Thursday, September 3, 2020
Fabric And Jewelery In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay Example For Students
Texture And Jewelery In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay Word Count: 783 Erin Kilkenny English Comp Lit Cathy Seigel Walk 7, 2000 Sir Gawain Essay In writing, bits of knowledge into characters, spots, and occasions are regularly imparted to the peruser by emblematic references inside the content. This is the situation in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In this Medieval sentiment, the hues and surfaces of textures and gems are utilized intensely by the writer as an expressive instrument, yet additionally to give the peruser data about the characters and jobs inside the story. The story opens with a vacation feast in King Arthurs court. The extravagance of this setting is spoken to by the enrichments encompassing Queen Guenevere portrayed in lines 76-80. With expensive silk draperies, an overhang over,/Of Toulouse and Turkestan embroidered works of art rich/All broidered and flanked with the best pearls/Ever brought into Britain, with brilliant pennies/to pay. These lines additionally represent the sovereigns job in the sonnet of a masterful image of chivalric Camelot and as a female perfect. In this setting ladies are all near, however Guenevere is situated above them and is encircled by costly, lovely things. She is unmistakably made predominant. The Green Knight at that point shows up at Arthurs court to represent a test for somebody to remove his head and to have the kindness restored a year later. He and his pony are both totally green and are clad in rich clothing. The ponies saddle is portrayed as follows, in lines 164-167: About himself and his seat, set upon silk,/That to recount the wastes of time would burden my brains,/The butterflies and winged creatures weaved subsequently/In green of gayest, with numerous gold string. The Green Knights appearance makes his powerful characteristics clear from the beginning, even before he can endure execution. In spite of the fact that his resplendent dress sets up him as a good knight, the way that he is altogether green isn't ordinary. Green is frequently connected with unpleasant, huge things, so subsequently the knight is given a heavenly quality by that shading. Gawain, Arthurs knight who takes the Green Knights challenge, is depicted in various lights as the story advances. Depictions of texture and garments are fundamental to this depiction. At the point when he is leaving Camelot to locate the Green Knight, Gawain is portrayed as an upright, gallant knight boldly confronting his destiny. His dress, consequently, is red, representing boldness, and bears a gold pentangle, an image of goodness. This is portrayed in lines 636-639, On shield and coat in see/He bore that symbol splendid/As to his promise generally obvious/And in discourse most respectful knight. Afterward, when Gawain is taken in by the mansion he stumbles upon, the texture portrayals reflect how he is being dealt with. For instance, lines 856, An overhang over the lounge chair, clad all with hide and 877 With blankets interestingly sewed, and pads bedside give the peruser a feeling of Gawains being shielded. At that point, when he is getting ready to go meet the Green Knight, differentiate is appeared between his previous dauntlessness and his weakness since tolerating the defensive green support from the Green Knights spouse by lines 2035-2036, That support of green so goodly to see/That against the gay red indicated stunning splendid. Gawain wears the support to meet the green knight, and the red of his robes, which is representative of dauntlessness, thwarts the supports weak green. In spite of the fact that the support spares Gawains life, it ruins his notoriety. The Green Knights spouse endeavors to lure Gawain every one of the three days he is a visitor at the palace and the court goes out to chase. Every day, he courteously rejects her advances, and she returns progressively forceful and with less attire on. Lines 1738-1741 portray the third and most forceful room chase scene through texture and gems. No hood on her head, yet substantial with jewels/Where her filet and the fret that bound her tresses;/Her face and her reasonable throat openly showed;/Her chest everything except exposed, and her back also. .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b , .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b .postImageUrl , .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b , .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b:hover , .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b:visited , .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b:active { border:0!important; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b:active , .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b:hover { darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80 c08c76b .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u8421610c2fdce9bd1deaccf80c08c76b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Gender Inequality Essay Obviously she is attempting to search useful for Gawain with gems and absence of garments. Her enticements in the long run prevail in a way since he takes the green support from her so he will be ensured. A more profound feeling of understanding .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gorn Chapter free essay sample
What forces granted to congress in the Constitution of 1787 would an Anti-Federalist be destined to restrict? Hostile to Federalist were against the Constitution all together yet a large portion of all, I think the Anti-Federalist were against the way that the state governmentââ¬â¢s would no longer have as much force as it did with the Articles of Confederation. The constitution upheld the possibility of an amazing and solid focal government. The congress had the ability to burden individuals, and make rules and guidelines as it says in archive two. With freedom being the Anti-Federalistââ¬â¢s greatest contention, the federalist got the possibility that with all the force congress had, their opportunity and rights would be compromised or even removed and thatââ¬â¢s what they dreaded most. 2. As per the Constitution of 1787, what are the qualification essentials and choice procedures for an) individuals from the House of Representatives Members of the House of Representatives are picked like clockwork by the individuals and the quantity of agents each state gets is corresponding to the populace. The individuals must be a quarter century old enough or more seasoned, has been a resident of the United States for in any event seven years and will not be, when chosen, an Inhabitant of the State where he is speaking to. b) individuals from the Senate, and Each state has two legislators serving a multi year term. In the Constitution of 1787, the senate was designated by the Legislature and must have in any event one vote. Individuals from the Senate must be 30 years old, been a resident of the U. S. for a long time, and ought not be an Inhabitant of that State. ) the president and VP? Both the President and Vice president serve in a similar term of four years. The individual running for president and VP must be a resident of the United States for a long time and normally conceived in the U. S. also, they must be in any event 35 years old. The president needed to have a greater part vote in favor of an assurance to be president if not the House of Representatives picked in different circumstances. 3. Study the arrangements contained in the Constitution of 1787 from the perspective of every one of the accompanying gatherings: I think all together the main individuals who felt they would profit by the Constitution was the littler populated states and the African Americans. The littler States would acquire a state at that point being neglected by the bigger States, despite the fact that in the Constitution they would just have a couple of agents for their state, it despite everything was a decent result since they would at any rate have a type of state and conclusion in what laws were passed because of the intensity of their representativeââ¬â¢s votes. The Constitutionââ¬â¢s fundamental objective was to ensure all states were equivalent and all things considered, it hinted at the African Americanââ¬â¢s being free and gave a feeling of something they had never felt, which was balance. The Anglos and Native Americanââ¬â¢s needed to have a feeling of outrage in light of the fact that in addition to the fact that they felt like their region was being removed, they likewise now needed to have bargains with America on the off chance that they were past the limits of the States, so as to exchange or do any business with the U. S. The bigger states were most likely not as favoring of the Constitution in light of the fact that with the more prominent measure of populace in their statesââ¬â¢, their administrations got the opportunity to do whatever and all the individuals needed to adhere to their guidelines they set for themselves. In the Constitution, Congress is given the control over the entire Country, if a state needed to make something a law or duty individuals, they needed to get the endorsement of congress. 4. In which of the six goals assigned in the prelude has the Constitution of 1787 satisfied its guarantees? In what zones has it not completely accomplished its objectives? The Constitution was really intended to be viewed as something worth being thankful for, it was not assume to create any damage or disquiet in the States. I thoroughly consider of the prelude, the Constitution did inevitably make progress in every one of the six targets yet the greatest issure that most Anti-Federalist had was the constitution not building up equity or secure the endowments of freedom. On the off chance that you truly consider how the Constitution was made, it was illicit. The scholars were just permitted to fix the Articles of Confederation, not make a totally different Government. I think thatââ¬â¢s why Anti-Federalist were not persuaded about the Constitution since it was done out of mystery and the journalists didn't consider the Anti-Federalist to make a shared opinion and make the Constitution common on the two sides, that by itself caused it to appear as though the authors were simply attempting to assume control over America and make decides that appeared to remove the rights that were essential to them. In the Constitution there were explicit laws for peopleââ¬â¢s wellbeing, various powers were to be framed in the event of any assault or just to advance general government assistance. In spite of the fact that, the military had not been made sense of yet on how each stateââ¬â¢s armed force would shape together, the possibility of the powers meeting up for wellbeing was in thoughtfulness. 5. In the event that you were a representative to a state sanctioning show, OK have decided in favor of or against the Constitution of 1787? Clarify the explanations behind your vote. On the off chance that I was an agent to a state approving show, I would have decided in favor of the constitution of 1787. The United States were at the purpose of time were transformation was required. Albeit numerous individuals at the time were against the Constitution, I think by and large it put the United States in a progressively effective way contrasted with the issues they were at that point looking as a country. At the time before the Constitution, Stateââ¬â¢s had set there own laws that should have been kept which made the attitude toward the nation all in all, disorderly. The United Stateââ¬â¢s required a progressively steady government, with the Articles of Confederation, it was essentially similar to there was no legislature or any formally dressed armed force set up if there should arise an occurrence of any assaults from different nations. The Constitution made the United States meet up over the long haul and a decent authority with a considerable lot of intensity was required so as to get America fixed. 6. Did the authors of the Constitution of 1787 want to make a vote based system or gentry? As per what I read, I think the Constriction of 1787 was wanted to be a privileged government. It was not until the Bill of Rights came into Constitution that made the United States a popular government. The narrowing was first made without any checks and equalization framework which caused the solid focal government, to have more force than it has today. The legislature in the Constitution had the ability to do numerous things that the Anti-Federalist felt shouldnââ¬â¢t reserve the option to have. A significant number of the individuals living in the stateââ¬â¢s felt their unalienable rights were being removed gradually such a significant number of Anti-Federalist chose to push and keep on getting the Bill of Rights passed so the legislature wouldnââ¬â¢t gain an excess of intensity, that everybody felt they needed.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Recent Applications of Keratin
Ongoing Applications of Keratin Unique This audit talks about the ongoing uses of keratin and keratin-based materials. Keratin-Based Materials The keratin-based materials are delivered from keratin strands, for example, human hair, skin, hooves, plumes, noses, feet and horns (18). For biomedical and pharmaceutical purposes, human hair is a favored significant wellspring of keratin for a few reasons. To start with, it is accessible promptly from hairdresser and magnificence salons. Additionally, human hair is less inclined to cause undesired hypersensitive or invulnerable responses in a human. At last, a determined keratin material can be produced using the hair of an individual for whom the keratin-based material will be utilized (13). Creature plumes are likewise significant assets for keratin extraction. Consistently, there are 5 million tons of chicken quills created from chicken meat as a waste stream (8). In this way, plumes are plenteous wellspring of keratin that can be handily gotten. There are various techniques to extricate the keratin-based material from the keratin sources. One technique incorporates incomplete oxidization of some disulfide linkages of the keratin with an oxidizing specialist, for example, peracetic corrosive, while remaining disulfide linkages are left unblemished. The in part oxidized hair is powdered and the staying flawless disulfide linkages are severed with a lessening operator. An insoluble piece of keratin portion is, at that point, expelled by centrifugation (3, 15). The solvent part, including alpha keratin, is refined and oxidized to change disulfide linkages between protein spines (3, 19). The oxidized solvent part is effortlessly broken down and can shape keratin arrangements with controlled focuses (19). The created keratin strong can be utilized in a sinewy structure when destroyed, in a powder structure when finely ground, in a hydrogel or viscoelastic hydrogel when hydrated by including water, or might be utilized in specific exemplifications (13). These materials are utilized for biomedical, pharmaceutical, biosorbent, and mechanical applications. Wound Dressing The ideal injury dressing secures the harmed tissue, keeps up dampness while being water porous, is anything but difficult to apply, and conveys powerful mending specialists to the injured tissue (15). The keratin-based material goes about as a non-antigenic injury mending material (3). The keratin-based film is proper to be utilized as an injury dressing. The permeable wipe networks of keratin can assume a significant job in engrossing injury exudates and in keeping up a sound and damp condition for mending a physical issue (16). Additionally, a hydratable keratin strong powder that is likewise utilized in a type of a keratin hydrogel when included water is utilized as an injury dressing (13). These exceptionally retentive keratin strong fiber and powder furnish an additional advantage alongside the water retentiveness. This advantage incorporates recuperating or calming peptides related with the keratin (18). Blanchard et al. (3) tried the keratin power, which would be utilized to create a keratin hydrogel when hydrated, as wound mending operator with a few giver destinations. The disinfected keratin powder is applied on a portion of a contributor wound site and the other half is treated with a standard treatment. The outcome shows the parts treated with the keratin powder develop quicker and epithelialize all the more quickly. Additionally, the patients with the injuries have essentially less torment with the keratin power treatment (3). Than et al. (4) directed an examination concentrating on the impacts of the keratin dressing on interminable injuries of various cases. For one of the contemplated cases, a negligibly exudative injury, which had been existed for 11.5 months, was treated with a lattice dressing created from freeze-dried keratin protein. This dressing permits the quick development of new tissue by reabsorbing into the created tissue. The injury was recuperated following 30 weeks (Figure 2). Likewise, the patient had encountered the rehashed leg ulcers; yet, the patient stayed without ulcer after the treatment (4). Figure 1 (1A) Ulcer under keratin-inferred grid dressing treatment at Day 0; (1B) Healed ulcer under keratin-determined network dressing treatment at Day 99 (4) Pharmaceutical Siller-Jackson et al. (13) and Van Dyke et al. (18) proposed an innovation of the keratin material fused with nonwoven film, which can be utilized in a few unique applications. One of the applications is that the strong keratin with nonwoven film can frame a gainful medication conveyance framework when it is consolidated with dynamic pharmaceutical specialists. These pharmaceutical specialists, including the exacerbates that may permit particle trade with sulfonic corrosive gatherings of keratin, can be detailed as hydrochlorides, polar operators, protein specialists, polypeptide operators, and peptide specialists (18). Polypeptide operators incorporate both local and recombinant polypeptides (13). Table 1 gives the rundown of the classes and sorts of pharmaceutical operators (13, 18). Table 1 Classes and Types of Pharmaceutical Agents (13, 18) The innovation of Van Dyke et al. (18) recommends that the utilization of the medication conveyance framework with strong keratin gives a few noteworthy points of interest. In this framework, the properties of the dose type of a medication can be dictated by the substance and material properties of the keratin, though with most conveyance frameworks, the degree of a medication is kept up at a predictable fixation with continued or controlled discharge. Likewise, the nonwoven film sedate conveyance framework is acted in non-fluid media, which is a particular bit of leeway in light of the fact that non-water solvent medications are generally irksome to plan into advantageous measurement structures. Besides, keratin can assume a double job of wound dressing and medication conveyance framework at the same time, permitting a less meddling treatment than isolated medicines (18). Hemostat Aboushwareb et al. (7) showed the hemostatic qualities of the human hair keratin hydrogel with the capacity to assimilate liquid and tie cells effectively. The trials assess the viability of human hair keratin hydrogel in a deadly model of liver injury in a bunny model, contrasted with other business hemostats. The investigation demonstrated the viability of the keratin biomaterials in capturing discharge and expanding the survivability in a model of liver injury, correspondingly to the thought about business products.ãââ Also, it was demonstrated that the keratin hydrogel doesn't create antagonistic cell and tissue reactions (7). Embed Filler The keratin hydrogel can likewise be utilized as an expansion of delicate tissue, remembering increase of vocal harmonies for request to reestablish flexibility, and growth of bosoms, lips, jaw, gluteal region, and wrinkled or skin inflammation scarred skin so as to improve the presence of a subject (25). The biocompatible viscoelastic keratin hydrogel is utilized as an embed filler (25). Such keratin hydrogel gives a characteristic showing up and safe embed for remaking or filling the human bosom, and different tissues. The embed might be utilized in a few different ways. One way is that the strong hydrogel embed antecedent is hydrated before putting the filler into an embed envelope. Another way is that tissue expanders are contained in an envelope with the keratin hydrogel. This strategy permits the embed to ingest the body liquids through the envelope and expanding in a volume at a controlled rate, giving a progressively advantageous and agreeable embed contrasted with conventional inserts (18). The keratin hydrogel inserts are less poisonous than the silicone inserts, if there should be an occurrence of the danger of a spillage. Likewise, the keratin fillers give more regular appearance and feeling than saline inserts do. Moreover, the keratin inserts don't require a second obtrusive strategy to collect tissue as fat cells do (18). Biosorbent The enthusiasm for the utilization of biomass for the broke down metal expulsion from watery arrangements has been expanding a result of the generally significant expense of the conventional water treatment materials, the complex operational set-up, and the wellbeing safeguards (9). The keratin-based material can be utilized as the decontamination technique for normal and waste water assets polluted with metal (8). The keratin protein fiber is utilized to filter overwhelming metal-tainted water. The fleece keratin has been accounted for to take-up mercury, copper, silver, cadmium, lead, chromium, and aluminum. Additionally, mohair keratin has been accounted for to evacuate copper (9). Khosa and Ullah (10) have as of late introduced the use of the keratin biopolymer for the evacuation of arsenic. Likewise, Saucedo-Rivalcoba et al. (11) have proposed the utilization of polyurethane-keratin half and half films so as to assimilate and expel hexavalent chromium from water. Elastic Hergenrother et al. (12) has proposed the usage of keratin as a filler in elastic creations. This utilization of keratin related to coupling specialists expands dynamic stockpiling modulus (G) while not influencing the physical properties of the mixes. The keratin filler utilized is gotten from avian quill or plume dinner, which has higher mass thickness than ground quill. The mixes of the filler are practical and simple to process. Additionally, these are naturally benevolent in light of the fact that even a modest quantity of avian plume utilized will permit the diminished measure of non-sustainable fillers, for example, carbon dark, to be utilized (12). The keratin filler utilized for elastic is beta-keratin-based and water-insoluble. Keratin from plumes is generally financial, is non-harmful, has a high dissolving point, is light-weight, and is a biodegradable sustainable material. In this manner, the fortifying keratin filler will help produce supportable items that utilizations elastic, for example, tires. Diapers/Feminine Hygiene Products The permeable materials are fit for engrossing body liquids, for example, pee and menses. Consequently, the retentive materials are remembered for the items that are utilized close to the skin. Such materials can be gotten from wood mash, cellulosic strands, or artificially delivered superabsorbent (13, 18). An internal center of diapers and female cleanliness items is intended to ingest water
Monday, June 8, 2020
Application Essay Tip The Devil is in the Details
You can argue about the devil, but certainly the substance, distinctiveness, and success of your essays depends on the details. Bringing Out Your Uniqueness in the Details Many applicants tend to bury their uniqueness and success under vague assertions. You donââ¬â¢t want to hide your achievements; you want to trumpet them loudly and clearly. For instance, if you led a team working on a software development project, was it a three-member team or a thirty-member, cross-functional team with representatives from five different divisions and two continents? Was the potential market for the product $5 million or $200 million? Did you launch the product on time and in budget? Did it zoom to the top of the market-share charts? Using details in your application reveal the: Level of your responsibility Confidence others have in your abilities based on their prior experience with you Significance of your accomplishment Detailing Your Volunteer Work Do you simply ââ¬Å"volunteerâ⬠? If you do, you arenââ¬â¢t saying anything distinctive or substantive. Are you an EMT working five hours per week? Do you volunteer at a legal aid clinic? What have you seen or experienced? What have you learned? Have you launched a bereavement group in a country where such services were previously unheard of? What were the challenges you overcame to establish that group? What did you learn from the experience? How has it influenced you? Keeping Details Within Word Limits You may ask, ââ¬Å"How can I fit all these details into a short essay?â⬠Good question. Include many of the specifics in the work history sections (the boxes of the application) or in an attached resume if allowed. Then in the essay, use enough detail to provide context and create interest. Balance your profound insight and reflection with devilishly dazzling detail. Do you need help transforming your detail-less writing into an explosion of vividness? Do you need help bringing your writing to life with the impressive details of your experiences? Work one-on-one with an expert Accepted consultant to create an application that truly reflects the distinctness of your candidacy. Check out our Admissions Consulting Editing Services for more information on how we can help you get ACCEPTED. ; For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to top undergraduate and graduate programs. Our expert team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, PhDs, and professional writers who have advised clients to acceptance at top programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge, INSEAD, MIT, Caltech, UC Berkeley, and Northwestern. Want an admissions expertà to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: â⬠¢ Fitting In Standing Out: The Paradox at the Heart of Admissions, a free guide â⬠¢Ã Review Your Essays Like an Admissions Consultant: Use the Editing Funnel â⬠¢Ã Personal Statement Tip: Less is More Application Essay Tip The Devil is in the Details You can argue about the devil, but certainly the substance, distinctiveness, and success of your essays depends on the details. Bringing Out Your Uniqueness in the Details Many applicants tend to bury their uniqueness and success under vague assertions. You donââ¬â¢t want to hide your achievements; you want to trumpet them loudly and clearly. For instance, if you led a team working on a software development project, was it a three-member team or a thirty-member, cross-functional team with representatives from five different divisions and two continents? Was the potential market for the product $5 million or $200 million? Did you launch the product on time and in budget? Did it zoom to the top of the market-share charts? Using details in your application reveal the: Level of your responsibility Confidence others have in your abilities based on their prior experience with you Significance of your accomplishment Detailing Your Volunteer Work Do you simply ââ¬Å"volunteerâ⬠? If you do, you arenââ¬â¢t saying anything distinctive or substantive. Are you an EMT working five hours per week? Do you volunteer at a legal aid clinic? What have you seen or experienced? What have you learned? Have you launched a bereavement group in a country where such services were previously unheard of? What were the challenges you overcame to establish that group? What did you learn from the experience? How has it influenced you? Keeping Details Within Word Limits You may ask, ââ¬Å"How can I fit all these details into a short essay?â⬠Good question. Include many of the specifics in the work history sections (the boxes of the application) or in an attached resume if allowed. Then in the essay, use enough detail to provide context and create interest. Balance your profound insight and reflection with devilishly dazzling detail. Do you need help transforming your detail-less writing into an explosion of vividness? Do you need help bringing your writing to life with the impressive details of your experiences? Work one-on-one with an expert Accepted consultant to create an application that truly reflects the distinctness of your candidacy. Check out our Admissions Consulting Editing Services for more information on how we can help you get ACCEPTED. ; For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to top undergraduate and graduate programs. Our expert team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, PhDs, and professional writers who have advised clients to acceptance at top programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge, INSEAD, MIT, Caltech, UC Berkeley, and Northwestern. Want an admissions expertà to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: â⬠¢ Fitting In Standing Out: The Paradox at the Heart of Admissions, a free guide â⬠¢Ã Review Your Essays Like an Admissions Consultant: Use the Editing Funnel â⬠¢Ã Personal Statement Tip: Less is More
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Should Tennagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control Without...
Should Teenagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control without the Permission of Parents? KaTrina Bacon English 215 February 2, 2012 Dr.Sharonda Johnson Should Teenagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control without the Permission of Parents? Of all the many controversies that have affected the United States in the past decades, birth control has been one of the more important topics. Some popular birth control methods are the female and male condoms, and the birth control pill. Even though both of these help protect against pregnancy and the female and the male condoms help protect against HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STD). This raises the question, should teenagers be allowed to receive birth control methods without theirâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦My religion which is Christianity, instructs us to wait until they are married to have begun to have sex. But not only in churches is abstinence being preached, but public schools is adding this to their curriculum, and teaching the teenagers about the greatness of keeping their virginity. Teenagers having sex before marriage is a growing issue among teenagers. Sex before marriage is the cause of teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and emot ional distress. Sexually transmitted diseases show in a society of teenagers that are having premarital sex, because teenagers have so many different sex partners. Therefore, a result to teenagers having sex is the different disease which is becoming more common in the teenage population. Because, for this is that the teenagers don not know how to use the different birth control methods. Many teenagers believe that the pill or condoms stop the spread of AIDs, other diseases, and herpes so, the contraceptives do not prevent these diseases from spreading. Three million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers are reported each year. ( There are so many teens that feel that there is nothing wrong in having sex before marriage, but having sexual relations with numerous people from age 15 and 19 doubles the diseases that have been spreading to different people every time. Because teenagers are having
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Aristotle s The Golden Mean - 1109 Words
Halena Panico Mr. McMurray HZT 4U 3 June 2015 CPT Part 3 - Aristotle - The Golden Mean Aristotle was a greek philosopher that taught and stressed many important and revolutionary ideas/philosophies. He was born in 384 BC, and was a student of Plato, as well as founded/ taught at several academies. He wrote on diverse subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, logic, politics, government, and ethics. He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge in existence during his time, and he was the founder of many new fields. Aristotle was one of the most influential of the ancient Greek philosophers. Aristotle s theory of the Golden Mean was found in his work, Nicomachean Ethics. This theory has also been expressed by other philosophers and in mythological tales, specifically the tale of Daedalus and Icarus. Others ways this theory has been expressed is inscribed at the temple of Delphi, Theano, student of Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato. In Confucianism, it is understood as an important virtue and is described in The Doctrine of the Mean. Each of these different expressions, as well as the theory itself as described by Aristotle, will be examined. As well as an analysis of this theory from a Catholic perspective and the relevance it has in today s society. Aristotle s concept of the theory of the golden mean was elaborated on in his work Nicomachean Ethics. Nicomachean Ethics focuses on three basic elements. The first is that there is an equilibrium that aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Aristotle s The Golden Mean 820 Words à |à 4 Pages Final Exam- The Golden Mean In the philosophical book Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle introduces the means to reach the ultimate good of happiness. A guide called the Golden Mean is provided to therefore reach eudemonia. This concept encourages a balance in life in order to remain virtuous. There is, however, social movements such as feminism and the black activists that shows exceptions to this principle. This mean is also inexact, as it is relative to each, and is thus subjective to its level ofRead MoreTaming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1671 Words à |à 7 Pagesbut given the opportunity to fulfill this task; Katherina from Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Taming of the Shrew displays the distinct characteristics which allow her to be placed among the sinners in the Inferno. Kateââ¬â¢s tragic flaw of being the shrew in the play means she personifies anger. Her anger is clearly seen at the beginning of the play, but appears to lessen during the remaining acts. On the surface it can be easy to conclude that Kate is a shrew no more and her marriage has tamed her. 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John Bergers Writing Ways Of Seeing Is A Look Into The World Of Art. T Essay Example For Students
John Bergers Writing Ways Of Seeing Is A Look Into The World Of Art. T Essay John Bergers writing Ways of Seeing is a look into the world of art. Throughout his composition, he gives his opinions on various topics about art. Jane Tompkins essay Indians: Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History is a look into the world of history. Within her essay, Tompkins discusses her views on the quest of finding truth in history. She uses terms such as relativism ,the understanding that man or woman can never find the absolute truth in facts, and epistemological quandary , a predicament where in her case she could not find the correct knowledge and facts to interpret and learn the factual information she desired to possess. These terms help to develop her way of finding the historical truth when there are many different accounts of history. Reproductions occur in many different aspects of life. Two of these such aspects are art and history, the areas of expertise of Berger and Tompkins respectively. Berger believes that non-exact reproductions of art are of greatWidro 2value while Tompkins believes that there is little value if there is a non-exact reproduction or recount of history. John Berger ,an art critic as well as an author, is a proponent of reproducing art in different forms other that the original. When Berger talks about this positive view of reproduction ,he says that,In the age of reproduction the meaning of the paintings is no longer attached to them; their meaning becomes transmittable that is to say it because information of a sort ,and, like all information, is either put to use or ignored; information carries no special authority within itself.(65)This quote explains Bergers feelings on the reproduction of art in our time. He illustrates to the reader that reproductions give the art viewer a more specific angle on a art piece. By doing this the art pursuer can understand the piece on a greater level making the original piece more comprehensible. Because of this, Berger makes the assertion that reproduction enhances the understanding of the original piece thus making reproduction justified and a worthy thing to accomplish. Widro 3This belief that reproduction further explains a piece of art carries into Bergers thinking on modern film and the modern camera. Not only can art or paintings be reproduces with another painting but it can be reproduced with the camera. A film-maker can use art to illustrate a theme or point that he or she is trying to make. When a painting is reproduced by a film camera it inevitably becomes for the material film-makers argument(66). Because of this a film which reproduces images of a paintings leads the spectator through the painting, to the film-makers own conclusions(66). Film is another venue for people to broaden their understanding of paintings. Thus, Berger is for this form of reproduction. This is another point that Berger uses to further display the benefit of art reproduction. An alternate view of reproductions is held by Jane Tompkins. She analyzes history with the application of relativism, the understanding that man or woman can never find the absolute truth in facts, to the dilemmas of history. In the end, she describes her conclusions regarding historical interpretation. First she begins to realize her dilemmas with establishing non-biased historical fact when preparing to teach a course in colonial American literature. Tompkins wanted to learn what she could about the PuritansWidro 4relationship with the Americans Indians, but she soon found extremely conflicting reports. She explains,Some of the conflicting accounts were not simply contradictory, they were completely incommensurable, in that their assumptions about what counted as a valid approach to the subject, and what the subject itself was, diverged in fundamental ways(619). .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c , .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .postImageUrl , .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c , .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c:hover , .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c:visited , .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c:active { border:0!important; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c:active , .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1715cd59f4dceffd62bd2d000aff0a7c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: You8217ve Come a Long Way Baby EssayIn other words, when a person researches a fact they will always find conflicting reports which is shown here by Tompkins. Tompkins felt a loss because she was frustrated with this array of mutually irreconcilable points of view(619) and decided to turn to what she viewed as primary sources(620) for further clarification. Yet here Tompkins finds further evidence of bias, and further frustration. She describes her situation as a complete epistemological quandary(620). This is a quandary where in her case she could not find the correct knowledge and facts to interpret and learn the factual information she desired to possess. This proves to the reader that Tompkins believes that reproductions of history have limited value and must be interpreted. The history that happened is the absolute truthWidro 5but the resulting interpretation that occur are diluted and are not the complete truth. Because of this, the historical account that historians write have be read with relativism in mind. If the reader does not do this the person can be thinking that the history that they are reading is the absolute historical truth. Believing in false facts can lead to telling and teaching other people these false facts thus creating a domino effect of lies. Unlike art, history is not something to be interpreted, it is straight facts. Art is created by an artist to convey a message or a theme to his or her audience. I believe that history should not be explored ,rather, that in an ideal world, history is known and there is no need to hunt for it. On the other hand, art is to be interpreted by people. However, reproduction can lead to many of the original artists ideas and themes to be left out. A person could be mislead by what the reproductioner has put before them. Berger says, Uniqueness of the original now lies in the original of a reproductionno longer what its image shows that strikes one as unique; its first meaning is no longer found in what it says, but in what it is(61). I believe that if the main meaning is now found in the reproduction the original inspiration of the artist can be lost forever. This is much like the domino effect of lie that can occur ifWidro 6history is told incorrectly because the concepts of the reproducti oner will now be thought of as what the message is supposed to be. Much like the inaccurate accounts of history can be thought of as fact even though it is not. As you can see Tompkins and Berger have distinct ideas on whether or not there are merits to reproductions life. Berger believes that there is a lot of merit because if there is a reproduction of the original piece than the original piece can be understood better thus making the artists message that he or she wanted to convey through their paintings more viable. Tompkins believes that history is always changed for the worse when reproduced. It is changed for the worse because the truth is often not properly written in historical text. Thus the truth is obscured and Tompkins believes that this is a negatives and because of that she doesnt think that historical reproduction is deserving of merit.
Monday, April 20, 2020
The Metamorphsis Essay Example For Students
The Metamorphsis Essay Essay submitted by AnonymousGregor was the most unselfish person in The Metamorphosis. This characteristic showswith his dedication to his work. He was the only family member with a job, believing heSacrificing his social life for his work, he had no friends at work, and never went out atnight. His only hobby was fretwork, sitting alone in his room. The only person he wasever intimate with was his sister Grete. His devotion to his work was remarkable. In all of the five years he had worked for hisfathers creditor, he had never once been absent. Always ready to go out on his roundsas early as possible, he never took advantage of time for a break. By the time he gotback, the other employees were still eating breakfast. Under the belief that he was the sole provider for the family, Gregor took up a job withhis fathers creditor, before even consulting his family. They, at the time, were ofcourse impressed. The flat they were living in was chosen by Gregor. Making enoughmoney, he hired a cook and servant. He was even thinking of sending Grete to theconservatorium to further enhance what he believed to be musical talents. We will write a custom essay on The Metamorphsis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Even after his metamorphosis, he never asked for much. Showing his concern forothers wellbeing, he hid under the couch so as not to disgust anyone by his sight. Although they brought him food everyday, he barely ate any of it. He even wished hewere not such a burden on the family, and that he could have transformed back intoAll of the actions mentioned above displayed Gregors unselfishness. After hismetamorphosis, nobody indicated they were grateful for what he had done. After hisfirst absence, the chief clerk himself appeared at Gregors house to see what was thematter. When Gregor did not open his door, the chief clerk accused him of stealing thecompanys funds, and degraded him in front of his parents as being insubordinate. Afterthe transformation, Gregors father gave little or no love or support. Instead, he hadhurt Gregor many times while ushering Gregor back into the room. Grete and her motherdo, for some time, show a little support. After having Gregor around for a while howeverGrete asserted that they should somehow get rid of him. At this point, Gregor realizedthat his family no longer loves him, and gave up on life. Although Gregor did aid his family in a critical time of need, they hardly acknowledgedthis fact after his transformation. They never even tried to understand him. For thepast five years, he provided for his family, and when he needed them, they did notcare. After his metamorphosis, they all got jobs, something Gregor thought they wereincapable of. After his death, they moved out of the flat, which was too expensive forthem, leaving all of their memories, starting anew without him. Bibliography:
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Constitution of Sacred Liturgy The WritePass Journal
Constitution of Sacred Liturgy Introduction Constitution of Sacred Liturgy IntroductionThe Constitution on the Sacred LiturgyThis statedThe Constitution of Divine RevelationThe Decree of EcumenismBibliographyRelated Introduction Many churches undergo changes throughout history, however, some of the most immense changes took place when the Second Vatican Council was convened and is considered one of the most important religious events which took place during the twentieth century. à The second Vatican Council was the 21st Ecumenical council recognised by the Catholic Church.à POPE JOHN XXIII, who claimed it was necessary to bring the Church up to date, summoned the council on the 25th January 1959.à Over the next few years the council prepared, the first gathering was on 11th October 1962 and was presided over by Pope John XXIII.à His opening remarks wereà ââ¬Å"I want to throw open the windows of the church so that we can see out and the people can see in.â⬠Over a period of the next four years and approximately 178 meetings, 2540 Bishops attended the council from all around the world.à Pope Johnââ¬â¢s XXIII vision for the church was awareness, renewal and dialogue. Throughout the Councilââ¬â¢s history they agreed 4 main constitutions, 3 declarations and 9 decrees.à The majority are aimed at the renewal and reform of Catholicism, but four affect the relationship and the non-Catholic world, they addressed all aspects of Catholic life on all levels: the global, the local and particularly at the parish level. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy One of the documents, which changed the spiritual life of the Church, was the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy- Sacrosanctum Concilium. These changes affected every Catholic and inevitably many found these changes disturbing especially the older generation.à During these times Mass was commonly said in Latin and many believed that it should be preserved. The Council agreed and expressed its first decree in the ââ¬Å"Constitution of Sacred Liturgyâ⬠. This issue was addressed because the Liturgy of the Western Church was said in Latin something which none of the participants understood and came to an understanding that this was only benefiting the papacy and the clergy and it created a separation between the clergy and its believers.à This constitution had hopes that the entire congregation could participate in the mass with the readings, the singing, and reception of the Eucharist.à It also was used to change the liturgy when it came to administering Sacraments and administering the Eucharist to the sick.à This Constitution was finalized December 4, 1963 with only four votes against it. This stated ââ¬Å"The use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin Rights.â⬠[ Sacrosanctum Concilium, paragraph 36:1] However, many parts of the Mass were singled out by the Council, who authorised the use of the vernacular or mother tongue.à The council also suggested that where possible the High Alters should be placed facing the congregation to help create a connection to God and that the priest should now face the congragation.à Many of the old ceremonies were discarded, such as the prayerful attitude or hardly noticing your neighbour.à Now they were asked to greet their neighbour with a ââ¬Å"Sign of Peaceâ⬠Another change within the Liturgy involved the time of the fasting before they could receive Holy Communion. Prior to the second Vatican Council, it was considered a mortal sin if you consumed either food or water, not even a few drops after midnight. ââ¬Å"To fast from midnight means to take nothing by way of food or drink or medicines after midnightâ⬠[Eucharist Law and Practice by Durieux page 179] During the Vatican II changes about the fasting went from midnight to 3 hours. Then a decree by Pope Paul VI in November 1964 announced a concession: ââ¬Å"In view of the difficulties in many places regarding the Eucharistic fast, Pope Paul VI, acceding to the requests of the bishops, grants that the fast from solid food is shortened to one hour before communion in the case of both priests and faithful. The concession also covers use of alcoholic beverages, but with proper moderation being observed.â⬠[Documents of the Liturgy, 272, 2117] This change in regulations confused a lot of people who questioned, why does a mortal sin change because a group of men decide it is no longer a mortal sin!à What of all those people who have died without receiving Holy Communion because of mortal sin, how is that affected?à This opened a lot of questions, which are not easily answered. Others believed that a one-hour fast is too short to be defined as a fast and a possible 3-hour fast is much more fitting with the encounter of Christ. Other changes included vestments were made ofà everyday material such as cotton and polyester. The chalices were reproduced in pottery, there were new names and meanings for the seven sacraments. Communion could be received on the hand and in a standing position, prayers at the foot of the Alter were shortened, ââ¬Å"To promote active participation, the people should be encouraged to take part by means of acclamations, responses, psalmody, antiphons, and songs, as well as by actions, gestures, and bodily attitudes. And at the proper times all should observe a reverent silence.â⬠[Sacrosanctum Cconcilium, Paragraph 30] Another principle concern of the Second Vatican Council was one of Christian Unity. The Constitution of Divine Revelation The Constitution of Divine Revelation or Dei Verbum (Word of God) was approved and published in November 1965. Before the installation of this doctrine it was taught that the Bible came second in religious life and people were discouraged from reading it. Many home contained a Bible but mainly for storing date and names of baptism.à The new constitution hoped to teach new respect for the scripture and the interpretation of the Bible, the Papacy hoped that by teaching that all religious truth are found in the Bible that Scripture and Church would become united. It encourages the Catholic scholar to read the Bible, ââ¬Å"For the correct understanding of what the sacred author wanted to assert, due attention must be paid to the customary and characteristic styles of feeling, speaking and narratingâ⬠[Dei Verbum paragraph 12] Since the publication of this document many Catholics have learnt to respect scripture and tradition. It is now permitted to read and study the Bible and it has also lead to new ways to teach the Bible in Seminary. This was a major shift fir the Church and an important transformation. ââ¬Å"The word of God may spread rapidly and be glorified.â⬠[2 Thess 3:1] Christ entrusted his message to his disciples. This has continued down through history within the Church, ââ¬Å"flow from the same divine wellspringâ⬠[Dei Verbum paragraph 9] This tradition and teaching of scripture is the basis to our faith and belief. The interpretation of Godââ¬â¢s word is entrusted to the teaching office of the Church, ââ¬Å"above the word of God, but serves itâ⬠[Dei Verbum paragraph 10] The Decree of Ecumenism Dogmatic Constitution of the Church was the fourth decree made.à In the past the Reformation of the church was viewed as a super state and the Pope was the head of it.à There was also a strong opposition to anything not related to the church.à With this decree more emphasis was placed on making the church a mystery and as People of God with equality being a key element. ââ¬Å"An individual bishop is given collegial responsibility by his very ordination as bishop. The permanent diaconate is revived; even married people may become deacons. The doctrine on Mary is included in the teaching on the Church; it is no longer something separated from the Church.â⬠Though another decree was made later it has relevance to the Dogmatic constitution of the church, it was the Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops.à This Decree was instituted due to the Bishops not having a lot of authority or say in the administration.à The changes with this decree helped bishops have contro l over other bishops and over their diocese of people. Bibliography;col1
Friday, February 28, 2020
ENGL - Is vegetarianism a more healthful or a more ethical lifestyle Essay
ENGL - Is vegetarianism a more healthful or a more ethical lifestyle than a meat-eating diet - Essay Example While humans have the physical capacity to consume meat, I will argue in this paper that vegetarianism is the healthier option and support this with data that supports this viewpoint. The effects of a consuming a vegetarian diet has been widely studied. A number of different studies have come to the conclusion that people consuming vegetarian diets have, in general, a longer life expectancy and seem to have lower rates of coronary heart disease, lower rates of hypertension and diabetes. They also seem to have lower body weight and a lower incidence of high cholesterol. In addition, the presence of certain cancers is slightly lower than in people who consume meat (Fraser, 2009). It must, however, be noted that there is a wide disparity between the different types of vegetarians. The different types show different trends in health (Fraser, 2009). In fact, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and the Dieticians of Canada have published papers suggesting that a vegetarian diet that is planned properly is healthy, provides enough nutrition and may contribute to the prevention of several conditions. All the nutrients necessary for a personââ¬â¢s development can be obtained from a vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet is said to be appropriate for any stage of life including, childhood, adolescence, pregnancy or lactation (Anonymous, 2003). The lowering of certain diseases is probably attributable to the fact that well-planned vegetarian diets have lower levels of cholesterol, saturated fats and animal fats as well as having plenty of carbohydrates, fibre, magnesium, potassium, folate and several vitamins (Anonymous,2003). From an ethical view, a vegetarian diet has been said to be much more humane. 15% of vegetarians reported that they turned vegetarian for ethical reasons (Vegetarian Times, 1992 from Palaniswamy, 2003). People have been
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Lectures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Lectures - Essay Example Work by the artist has also been featured extensively e.g. in the Creators Project, The New Yorker and Dazed &Confused hence has a lot of clientele. One project extensively featuring Sougenââ¬â¢s artwork is the Centre of Selfies which explores selfies through different mediums i.e selfie sticks apps and many others. Very many of her stickers are on sale. Her work plays around with contrasts and transitions to express artistically and she uses digital, environmental and print media. She says, ââ¬Å"Way of saying what I care about, this is me, this is that I want to be.â⬠There is no doubt therefore that she highly regards art as means to express human feelings, ideas and concepts. Another project by artist an installation titled Chiarocuro that she presented during the 2013 edition of the Mapping festival in Geneva. As per the projects name, the installation explored the relation that exists between light and dark i.e. relation between our inner and outer existential facets. It amazes that in todayââ¬â¢s world full of digital production of art, she still can create luminal spaces by accurately constructing personal visual language together with a combination of abstracts drawn by hand, sounds and light projections. She believes in making things all the time and is quoted as saying ââ¬Å"The Screen is not the medium. We are.â⬠Another great artist of modern times is Jan De Coster. He has an educational background in the subjects of physics and engineering. De Coster, began his interactive project productions in the mid 1990s and a landed a job as art director with BBDO. His major project is the ââ¬ËSlightly Over Doneââ¬â¢ and it has earned him lots of work with advertising agencies. Despite his academic background, De Coaster has become a very successful artist and gone ahead to teach art courses at Brusselsââ¬â¢ Erasmus High School. In his lecture the artist looked particularly at characters and insists that they speak a universal language. According to him, eyes are
Friday, January 31, 2020
The Departed Analysis Essay Example for Free
The Departed Analysis Essay The Departed is a film directed by Martin Scorsese which won numerous awards at the 79th annual Academy Awards. Scorsese has directed many films that have won academy awards but he had never achieved the award for the best director. This changed with the 2006 release of The Departed and Scorsese got what he had ached for so many years. This film was indeed a film that I enjoyed watching. However it also got me thinking what role ethics played in this blockbuster. During the beginning of the movie Jack Nicholson adopts Matt Damon and treats him like his own child. Damon wants to be a priest when he grows up. If youââ¬â¢re a priest you most likely wonââ¬â¢t kill anyone even if it is for self defense because killing is a sin. However being the clever genius that Nicholson is asks Matt Damon ââ¬Å"when youââ¬â¢re facing end of a loaded barrel, what difference does it make? â⬠Nicholsonââ¬â¢s character, Frank Costello adopts Damonââ¬â¢s character, Sullivan mainly for personal intelligence purposes. He wants to have a mole in the SIU department like the government has moles in the Mafia families. The best person suitable for this job would be someone that you have raised as your own because the trust will always be there. Nicholson shows good ethics when he takes Damon under his wing. However as the movie progresses we find the true motive for the adoption. Nicholson wants someone who he can trust, that can keep him one step ahead of the law which is morally wrong. When Leonardo DiCaprioââ¬â¢s character Costigan is training for the job of a police officer he is denied the job due to his family ties to the Boston underworld. Costigan is really a good guy affiliated with a bad name. Vice versa Damon is a bad guy affiliated with a good name. Jobs shouldnââ¬â¢t be lost because of someoneââ¬â¢s family affiliation with certain groups especially if the person applying wants to change all that and has the knowledge and the will power to do so. I understand the phrase ââ¬Å"like father, like sonâ⬠but that isnââ¬â¢t always necessarily true. The world is not just black and white; it has shades of grey in it as well. Later in the movie we find that Frank Costello himself is a possible informant for the FBI and that he has recorded conversations of himself talking about illegal activities with Matt Damon. He has done this as a precaution incase the FBI indicts him in an even more serious case. If the FBI does indict him he will use the tapes as a leverage to get a reduced sentence or immunity. This is not very ethical because he adopted a son for his own freedom from government agencies. Towards the end of the movie it is really ironic that Jack Nicholson dies by what he told Damon so that he wouldnââ¬â¢t become a priest. ââ¬Å"When youââ¬â¢re facing the end of a loaded barrel, what difference does it make? â⬠Matt Damon was facing the loaded barrel of Nicholsonââ¬â¢s gun but Damon got to pull the trigger first. Because of Nicholsonââ¬â¢s bad ethics he got what he deserved by getting shot by his own adopted son whom he used for pure personal protection from government agencies. In the final scene of the movie when Matt Damon is shot dead by Mark Wahlberg it was unethical of Wahlberg to shoot Damon. He should have gathered evidence for a trial by a jury. However I think the murder was justified and fair for a better society. He could have played by the rules. But since Matt Damon didnââ¬â¢t play by the rules why should Mark Wahlberg.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Higher Education Savings Plans Essay -- essays research papers
Higher Education Savings Plans Abstract à à à à à This paper is about the Section 529 higher education savings plans that allow family members to receive certain tax breaks while investing for a childââ¬â¢s higher education. The data used in this study is the historical rate of return on a Connecticut 529 plan versus the benchmark, the S&P 500. The time period covered was the inception of this plan starting in 2002 up to the start of research on this study, the end of September, 2004. The tests show that although this particular 529 plan offers tax benefits that could help in investing for higher education, that this particular plan failed to outperform the market during the period observed. Therefore it is my conclusion that there are better investment options on the market to invest in a childââ¬â¢s higher education than this Connecticut 529 savings plan. This study may lead to further observation of other Connecticut 529 plans as well as 529 plans managed nationwide to figure out if 529 plans are as effe ctive as advertised. ââ¬Å"529â⬠college plans have become greatly debated in recent years as a tool for investing for college. The plan, which takes its name for the provision of the tax code that sanctioned them, is a college savings account which allows parents or grandparents to give gifts to children that will be later used to obtain a college education. Although some 529 plans have been around since 1988, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 made sweeping changes to Section 529, most of which became effective in 2002. These changes offer substantial tax benefits to families seeking to finance the cost of college expenses. 529 plans offer families, regardless of income, the opportunity to generate tax-free earnings on funds specially set aside for higher education. These plans, which are run by individual states, can be of great benefit to children by allowing their family members to give money to them in advance to save for college. It can also be detrimental to not o nly the people who invest but the children who are receiving these gifts. I became aware of these 529 plans by reading ââ¬Å"A Random Walk Down Wall Streetâ⬠by Burton Malkiel. My motivation was to see if these 529 college saving plans are as effective as advertised and to look at the upsides and downsides of investing in them. Since there are tax deduct... ...à à 881.69à à à à à 935.11à à à à à 840.31à à à à à 855.7à à à à à -2.74%à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 2-Dec-02à à à à à 941.55à à à à à 954.4à à à à à 869.42à à à à à 879.82à à à à à -6.03%à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 1-Nov-02à à à à à 885.76à à à à à 941.85à à à à à 872.02à à à à à 936.31à à à à à 5.71%à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 1-Oct-02à à à à à 816.3à à à à à 907.49à à à à à 768.58à à à à à 885.77à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Ã
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Portrayals of Minorities in pop culture
1. ) One example of how minorities are portrayed in popular culture is on the TV show, The Simpsons. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon is portrayed as your typical Indian convenience store owner. He speaks in Indian English, owns a convenience store, his marriage was arranged, he has a strong work ethic, and he has a large number of children. He is portrayed this way in every episode that he appears in. The portrayal is negative and is stereotyping people who are Indian. The portrayal reinforces the stereotypes that Indian immigrants own convenience stores and work all of the time. Personally, I would not want other members of societies receiving this image of me as a member of this group because it paints a negative picture of the culture. It stereotypes all Indian immigrants as the same. This reinforces the idea that race plays a major role in status in our society and people are looked at differently based on their race. On the show, this stereotype is perceived as humorous and people who watch this show are receiving little knowledge about the actual group of people. 2. ) An example of how minorities are portrayed in popular culture is shown on the TV show, Cops. This show portrays people who are minorities to be violent, drug dealers, unintelligent, poor family members. Almost all of the drug deals that go on and the violence that goes on is between blacks and other minorities. This is a negative portrayal and it reinforces these certain stereotypes. It showcases blacks and other minorities as being violent and involved with drugs. If I were a member of this group, I would not want other segments of societies receiving this image of me as a member of this group because I would not want to be known as an unintelligent, violent drug dealer who can't get along with his family. It is a very negative stereotype. 3. ) On the TV show, South Park, minorities are negatively portrayed in almost every single episode. One episode in particular is called, ââ¬Å"The Passion of the Jew. â⬠This episode was a satire of the movie, The Passion of the Christ, but also made fun of people who are Jewish. This show negatively portrays people who are Jewish as being cheap, overprotective, nagging, and pokes fun at their religion. It reinforces these stereotypes and also goes further by negatively talking about the Jewish religion and their practices. If I were a member of this group, I would not want other segments of societies receiving this image of me as a member of this group because it portrays me as being stingy and makes jokes about my religion. Based on this portrayal, it seems as though some television shows are able to make fun of any race that they please. 4. ) Another example of how minorities are portrayed in popular culture is in the movie, The Perfect Score. One of the students in the movie who is Asian is portrayed as being a drug user but extremely smart. He uses drugs all of the time but is still able to get good grades in school. This is a negative portrayal of people who are Asian and it stereotypes them as drug users and of having above average intelligence. If I were a member of this group, I would not want other segments of societies receiving this image of me as a member of this group because I would not want to be perceived as a person who smokes marijuana and is a stoner. I would want to be portrayed as intelligent but not a drug user. Based on this portrayal, I feel that race plays an important part in statuses because different races are thought to be of higher statuses. 5. ) An example of how minorities are portrayed in popular culture is on the TV show, Beverley Hills 90210. People in this show, who are mainly white, are viewed as being extremely rich, affluent, greedy, and having a ton of drama in their lives. It stereotypes the typical ââ¬Å"California teenager. â⬠It is a negative portrayal of young people who live in California. It reinforces the stereotypes of the typical California surfer and teenager. All teenagers who live in California don't act this way, but they are portrayed as being like this. This portrayal can also be seen in newer shows such as Laguna Beach and The Hills. If I were a member of this group, I would not want other segments of societies receiving this image of me as a member of this group because I would not want to be seen as a rich snob who relies on their parent's money. I would want to just blend in with society. I feel that people who are white are sometimes given a higher status then people of other races. . ) In the movie Soul Man, minorities are portrayed as having an easier time of getting into college. In this movie, a student who wants to get into a particularly difficult school dyes his skin a darker color so he can hopefully get in. This is a negative portrayal of minorities because it is saying that they have an easier chance of getting into college because they are a minority. It reinforces the stereotype that colleges have a certain quota to fill and that minorities sometimes do have an easier time getting into a certain college. If I were a member of this group, I would not want other members of societies receiving this image of me as a member of this group because I would not want them to think that I got accepted into a college because of my race. I would want my acceptance into college to be viewed as an achievement because I worked hard in high school. This portrayal sends out the message that minorities are sometimes given extra benefits because of what colleges have to do. 7. ) An example of how minorities are portrayed in popular culture is on the TV show, Family Matters. This show is about a middle-class African American family that lives in Chicago. I believe this show is a positive portrayal because it shows a functional black family with goals and aspirations. Other shows that I have watched unfortunately present blacks as violent people who are often linked to crime. They are portrayed as ââ¬Å"gangstersâ⬠in many shows, and it seems as though their only aspirations are to become a rapper or a basketball player. However, in Family Matters, there is a middle class black family that is portrayed in a very positive light. There are no violent acts being committed, and as a matter of fact, the father is a policeman who helps prevent violent acts. If I were a member of this group I would approve of this portrayal because this family is not being portrayed as a dysfunctional black family. This show was able to incorporate comedy in the episodes without being demeaning. 8) In the movie Mean Girls, there is a group of Asians called the ââ¬Å"Asian Nerdsâ⬠and they are constantly studying. Asians are often linked with the stereotype that they are superior students. I feel as though this could be both a negative and positive stereotype. It is good to be seen as successful and smart but not all Asians should be perceived to be academically exceptional. I would not want to be perceived in this way because then it seems like you have an expectations to live up to and what if you cannot live up to them? What if you are Asian and you are not a ââ¬Å"geniusâ⬠? I would constantly feel pressure and if I was unable to live up to that expectation I can only imagine the anxiety that I would feel and I would most likely be embarrassed to get help. It is true that it is positive thing to be seen as a successful race but it comes along with too many expectation and negative stereotypes such as being uninterested in having fun. ) This cover of Vogue magazine can be interpreted negatively because some people believe that Lebron James is standing in a gorilla-like pose. This cover can be traced back to days when scientists were claiming that blacks are linked to apes. This is a negative stereotype because it dehumanizes black. Researchers say that even though depictions of blacks as apes have disappeared; it is still in the subconsciouses of others. Society may be more likely to link blacks with crime and violence because they still don't accept blacks as fully human. The fact that blacks are still being associated with apes is very distressing. Clearly, if I were in this group I would not want other members of society viewing me as ââ¬Å"ape-like. â⬠It dehumanizes blacks and links them to negative actions such as crime. 10. Another example of how minorities are portrayed in the media is through a show called The Office. In one of the episodes, the main character Michael is forming a basketball team and he immediately recruits one of his employees named Stanley, because he is black. He automatically assumes that Stanley is good at basketball because he is black even though Stanley tries to tell him otherwise. However, Michael clings onto the stereotype that all blacks are good at basketball and in the end he is proved wrong. I do not think this is a good stereotype because you cannot group everybody that belongs to a certain race into one category. Not all blacks are going to be good at basketball, just like not all Asians are going to be smart. We develop pre-conceived notions about people based on their race, and it is not good. I would not want other members of society perceiving me in this way because the stereotype does not hold true for all blacks.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Today, More Than Ever, There Is A Growing Need Within Our
Today, more than ever, there is a growing need within our society for moral leadership that supports all people. Being a moral leader means accepting differences, serving others, leading by example, and helping others develop their own sense of character. This type of visionary leadership is particularly needed in schools, as we must make sure that future generations can empathize with others and take the necessary actions to defend those who need assistance. Our schools must be institutions of, not only learning but tolerance, where all students and employees feel safe and secure. As communicated in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, discrimination in the workplace in relation to race, color, religion, gender, age, and/orâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Leaders must accept, value, promote, and celebrate differences through their own behaviors. This begins with knowing and internalizing the law, as acceptance comes through understanding. Ted Childs, Vice President of IBM, discusse s legislation for workforce diversity in his speech on diversity in the workplace (2009). He refers specifically to Amendment 508, which mandates that all companies provide products and services that are accessible to the disabled. Cultural diversity starts with leadersââ¬â¢ implementation of the law but is enhanced when leaders take the initiative to go beyond that by providing satisfaction for all. As stated by Childs, ââ¬Å"Diversity is about more than just good corporate citizenship or doing the right thing,â⬠but about creating business strategies that appeal to all people. This statement applies to all organizations as we need to ensure that everyone is treated equally according to the law, while also feeling comfortable and pleased by the treatment they receive. While knowing the law and how best to serve those who have individual needs is the obvious place for leaders to begin, some supervisors find this difficult in the workplace. Surprisingly, creating a culturally inclusive workplace is actually quite simple according to lawyer Dawn Bennett-Alexander in her TedTalk on Practical Diversity (2015). In her talk, Bennett-Alexander discusses theShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between The Era Of 1950 And Today s Lifestyle902 Words à |à 4 Pagestelevision. With the advancement of technology, it is easier than ever to access the media. The major element in the relationship between the era of 1950 and today s lifestyle is conforming. Each time period people would do as they see from their surroundings. In the 1950ââ¬â¢s they conformed yet they lived simply and happily. Today s population coordinated their living by copying the media but they re still unhappy because there s more to expect the day after. 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