Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Power And Powerlessness Essay

When I hear the word power many thoughts come to mind, but I feel power has many different forms. We could assume that power means more money, a bigger title, a corner office, a more generous budget, or â€Å"a seat at the table†. But that may not be true for everyone. For some, power may mean having the ability to control one’s career destiny in keeping with personal values and interests. Or power could mean having the opportunity to be creative as a project lead without too much interference from others. Or power could mean making decisions with trust and autonomy, such that no one can easily override your decisions. To me, power is control and the capacity to bring about change. For example, the United States government, they control everything and also other countries. Our government has the power to create and print money, regulate interstate and international trade, make treaties and conduct foreign policies, declare war, provide an army and navy, establish post o ffices, and make laws necessary to carry out these powers. In addition to their elusive powers, both the national government and state governments share the power of being able to; collect taxes, build roads, borrow money, establish court’s, make and enforce laws, charter banks and corporations, spend money for general welfare, and take private property for public purposes. Power is also acquired through possession or acquisition of the following resources: authority, money, status, knowledge, professional degrees, goods, services, votes, public support, information, ability to influence the media, and relationships with powerful people. Power can be derived from one’s authority to make decisions in organization s or by virtue of one’s gender, ethnicity, social class, or personal attributes, such as appearance and charisma. People often acquire power by establishing alliances and coalitions with others to support or oppose various policies or decision-making options. Workers in social service organizations also acquire power because they often decide whether individual clients receive services, resources, or referrals. But how would it feel to not have power, a sensation of being out of control with no apparent solution to help you to regain control, powerlessness. When the lack of capability to affect the realities of life that you can’t control such as; how others act towards you, if you will get a job you want, what the weather will be like, or if an accident will occur. Powerlessness can be simply defined as the absences of power resources. However, the â€Å"Mother† of empowerment practice, Barbara Solomon (1976), defines powerlessness as a product of the interaction between individuals and the social structures that limit life opportunities for them: Powerlessness is defined here as the inability to manage emotions, skills, knowledge, and/or material resources in a way that effective performance of valued social roles will lea d to personal gratification. The power deficiency so often seen among minority individuals and communities stems from a complex and dynamic interrelationship between the person and his relatively hostile social environment. When you feel powerless, you feel afraid to express your needs because you fear that what little you have will be taken from you. You may have learned powerlessness if you were kept in powerless positions repeatedly and/or over long periods of time, possibly during childhood, by those who used external forces (money, physical strength, legal status, and/or military force) to control you. You may have been abused as a child, a partner or spouse, an employee, a soldier, or you may have been the victim of racial or ethnic attacks. Such prolonged abuse can cause you to become afraid to feel even your own needs, to admit to yourself that you need something, you become immobilized and in certain critical ways you stop growing, you cease to thrive. When powerlessness is â€Å"learned†, it becomes self-perpetuating, even if the external forces are no longer there. An abused child may grow up to feel permanently powerless as an adult, even though his or her parents no longer have physical or economic power over him or her. One may then enter into a situation that repeats childhood experiences such as; living with or marrying an abusive partner, and therefore keeping oneself in externally imposed danger. Or one may keep oneself down through self-abuse, compulsive behaviors, and depression because the powerlessness has become internalized. The first step to overcoming learned powerlessness is to learn to feel entitled to your personal rights. You have the right to live a life free from physical, emotional, sexual, and financial mistreatment. You have the right to be treated with respect, to earn a livable income, to be informed of matters that affect you, and to express yourself freely, without harming others. Most importantly, you have the right to ask for what you need, even though you may be turned down, and to fight for what you need and want, even if you are turned down. Most people who have learned powerlessness barely feel entitled to speak, let alone to speak freely. Often professional therapy is necessary to overcome the ingrained patterns. Never the less, to overcome learned powerlessness, you must gradually, but persistently lay claim to each and every human right, one after the other. The purpose of the empowerment approach is to help people overcome feelings powerlessness by acquiring power. Mondros and Wilson (1994) differentiate power from â€Å"empowerment† by arguing that this second concept is actually a psychological state that â€Å"allows one to pursue concrete activities aimed at becoming powerful.† The literature on empowerment in organizations focuses on two distinct categories of organizations actors: program beneficiaries and staff members. Rapp, She ra, and Kisthardt (1993) define empowerment in individual clients as; confidence, control, decision authority, influence, autonomy, and self-trust.† According to Shera and Page (1995), empowerment of employees in organizations can be defined as, â€Å"a process of enhancing self-efficacy among organizational members through the identification of conditions that foster powerlessness and through their removal by both formal organizational practices and informal techniques that provide efficacy information.† Empowerment in the social services can take place within the context of relationships between workers and clients, within the organization’s formal decision-making structure, and within the contact between the organization and institutions or groups in its external environment. It should be noted that empowerment in organizations involves the redistribution of resources such as decision-making authority or goods and services. Therefore, in addition to producing specific outcomes, empowerment is a political process. Staff members may feel they will lose power and authority to make service decisions if clients are treated as equal partners in the decision-making process. Because one of the primary assumptions of empowerment in direct social work practice is to reduce feelings of powerlessness by increasing personal self-perceptions of one’s own power, the model focuses on facilitating the acquisition of leadership skills and actual political power among agency clientele. Staff members also acquire power through participation in organizational decision-making and by advocating for improvements in organizational policies and services. The organization gains political power as constituents become empowered to advocate for changes in government policies and campaign for meaningful social change. In conclusion, power, powerlessness, and empowerment all have a different meaning and serve a different purpose but each one has a powerful meaning in its own way.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Villanova admission essay

Basing my argument on my experience, I have come to appreciate the fact that, adaptive problem solving is a quality I have painstakingly assumed. I have being raised in a business oriented family; I have witnessed the benefits of a person being in the forefront of solving amicably arising and anticipated problems.This does not require of me to be always looking for some problems to solve here and there, rather I have found myself best suited to tack any forthcoming problem. Once a problem is solved, I always feel re-energized to put my efforts in the core areas of whatever I am doing at that particular time.Whenever a problem is too big to handle by myself, I always enlist the services of others in my field of work; thereby bringing the sense of togetherness.To avoid unnecessary problems, I always like playing by the rules. Honesty is a virtue that, at the end of the day, rewards handsomely. Mahatma Gandhi once said ’It’s difficult to conduct an honest business but itâ €™s not impossible’ that’s is why I try to keep on the straight and narrow even if   some situations, many a times demand otherwise.My father has taught me that a business found on the premise of lies may only stand but will never weather the slightest of the storm.A person of integrity is always a darling to many. My own mother has been approached by many big corporate firms to become a big shot because she has exhibited integrity in our family’s manufacturing firm.Turning these offers down, she always insists that she is happy where she is, and this further shows that she is a woman of principle and character. This has not only encourages me to be of integrity but also makes me see how it is a good thing to employ the principle of integrity through and through.All my school life, I have found myself excelling because I have been engaging my teachers and other stakeholders with intellectual questions. For I have developed a tendency of reading two to thre e chapters ahead of what the teacher is covering and on top of that reading widely, I have benefited much for I have been able to understand some of the connectedness of various aspect of what we cover in class and what happens in reality.It has been fairly easy for me to put into practical the theoretical parts of course work. This has further enabled me to understand the world better and how to make it better for other people and the generations to come.Problem solving, honesty, integrity, intellectual curiosity to mention but a few, are some of the traits that have contributed greatly in enabling me to establish an advertising company while still in school. I have been able to run this company and it broke even a while ago and I am making good money not to mention three employees I have employed permanently and many others on contract.As a member of the incoming business class, I feel encouraged to add some value to my course mates and the entire school community. In doing so, I will try to help any student with a problem, I come across though it will be a tall order; I will try my level best. In the same vein, I will encourage them to work as a team, because a problem shared is a problem half solved. Honesty and integrity are two intertwined aspects and it will be up to me to show the students that one does not need to wait until after school to become a person of integrity; rather the earlier the better.I will invite them to see the progress of my business whereby I will explain to them that it’s through honesty and integrity that I have taken the business that far. Concerning intellectual curiosity, I will continue engaging my teachers in constructive discussions and I am hoping that, those students who shy away from asking questions, will get both the clarification and the courage to ask questions.I will also lead other students to read widely and to relate what is learnt in classroom to what take place in the real world. This, I believe, will ma ke the learning environment more enjoyable to both the teachers and the students.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Toyota Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Toyota - Assignment Example However, competition increase especially in the low-cost model market has become a big threat for the company. Recently, the company has experienced reduced growth as it competitors continue to penetrate the market and push the company’s profits downwards. The company still stands a chance to penetrate the market by establishing new markets and focusing on cost differentiation. The survival of the company depends on the ability of the management to detect the changes in the market and to design new strategies that will keep the company top of the market in the long-term. Organizational strategies refers to the approaches that a company deploys to push its products to the market and to acquire an appropriate position in the market. Companies use competitive strategies to compete with their business rivals. In the automobile company, competition has consistently increased due to the entry of new producers. However, there is a notable insatiable demand for automobile company. A close analysis of Toyota Company will provide an appropriate ground to measure the competitive ability of the Toyota. TOWS Analysis is one of the most critical tools that help to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and Threats of company’s business model. The strength of the Toyota Company lies in its ability to brand itself as a top manufacture of automobile companies in the world. This strategy has helped the company to create a strong brand image in every market, which has become an important marketing tool. The company’s mass production has been feasible allowing the company to minimize the cost of their cars. With standard quality cars, the company’s strategy has been acceptable within the market. Besides, the company’s ability to diversify its products has helped to satisfy various needs of the market and to satisfy different market segments. Innovation within the company has led to high level of customer satisfaction which

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Feminist Theory Reader- Critical Analysis Paper Term

Feminist Theory Reader- Critical Analysis - Term Paper Example Shakespearian tragedies were male-centered though some of his female characters like Lady Macbeth in â€Å"Macbeth† and Portia in the tragi-comedy, â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† expressed the glimpse of heroism. The presentation of women as suppressed under the male folk is not specifically the peculiarity of the literature of Shakespeare’s time, but one find it even in modern literatures as found in the plays of the modern dramatist Bernard Shaw. Shaw’s â€Å"Pygmalion† clearly reveals how the girl Eliza Doolittle is suffocating under Professor Henry’s treatment. Therefore, one can infer that history has not marked tremendous changes in the treatment of women in literature even if there were many feminist movements. Nevertheless, one cannot disregard the significant role of the various revolutionary feminist movements occurred during the first part of 19th century and spread all through the following centuries. The mushrooming of the feminis t movements facilitated women writing and witnessed some classical writing, purely challenging male chauvinism in both social and cultural life. Analyzing the feminist theories and writing, one may feel that they have the right claim of equality with the male folk, and should not be considered a second class. McCann & Kim (2003, p.1) identifies that â€Å"The term â€Å"feminism† usually refers in its most general sense to political activism by women on behalf of women.† They have also identified that feminism can be regarded as a movement that started in the 1970s which was actually originated in France in the 1880s. Analyzing the historical origin of the word ‘feminism’ one can see, â€Å"it combines the French word for woman, â€Å"femme,† with the suffix meaning political position, â€Å"ism,† and was used in that time and place to refer to those who defended the cause of women† (McCann & Kim, 2003, p.1). It was the French philosop her, Simone De Beauvoir who first used this term in The Second Sex which later spread all over the world. McCann & Kim (2003, p.1) have clearly stated the claim of feminism when they said thus, â€Å"Feminism involves the implicit claim that the prevailing conditions under which women live are unjust and must be changed.† The feminists also propounded the view that women have the ability to recognize the injustices that they face in their day to day life, and as such, they can change the existing situations. Thus, one can see that the feminists set out various theories that would promote their status totally refuting the present status as second class citizens. McCann & Kim (2003) in their book, "Feminist Theory Reader" explores the important works in feminist theory by incorporating the works of some of the feminists, specifically the women of color and post colonial scholars. These scholars provide both global and local perspectives of feminism by challenging the hegemony o f white, Western feminism, providing an approach to feminist theory for the twenty-first century. This is also to be noted that this approach includes the conversations among postcolonial women and women of color about issues of gender, race, colonialism, and sexuality as paramount to understanding the concerns of feminism (McCann & Kim, 2003). The feminists anthologized in this book are of the opinion that the females should endeavor to attain respect, mutual benefits, equal wages, a voice or presence in male dominated world. They solely have the right of liberty as the country itself has obtained it by

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Negative impacts of mega-event tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Negative impacts of mega-event tourism - Essay Example The Olympic Games, United Nations conferences, cultural festivals that draw tourists from all over the world and international religious conferences are all examples of mega events. The high profile nature of the event, the involvement of a group of people with vested interests referred to as the key elites, the short duration of the event and the pressure of organizing and executing a large number of tasks on time, usually generate analysis of the cause-and-effects relationships based on economic benefits such as increase in tourism, development of infrastructure and other more intangible gains such as image building and boosting of national pride. Such economic and other benefits are more perceived and projected than based on any realistic assessment. In their haste to justify public expenditures for mega events, governments and organizers marshal evidence of economics and other benefits -- many of which it turns out are incalculable, or if calculable are best considered as estimat es only (Mules & McDonald, 1994; Crompton and McKay 1994:33). In the introduction to his paper Assessing the Impact of Mega Events: A Linkage Model, Harry H Hiller makes the phenomenon very clear: ‘Indeed in many cases, the contribution to economic growth becomes the dominant rationale for hosting the event. The economic justification is so compelling to key elites that other impacts are considered minor. Negative impacts are either ignored or hidden under the table (Hall & Hodges, 1996). Opponents are considered unpatriotic, naysayers, or prisoners of unacceptable ideologies.’ According to Hiller, this over emphasis on the obvious and immediate economic impact of the mega event itself has more often than not resulted in overlooking of other dimensions which may be part of a broader process with three kinds of linkages: forward linkages, backward linkages and parallel linkages. Forward linkages refer

Banana is the best fruit for human being Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Banana is the best fruit for human being - Essay Example Banana is a wholesome nutritious food and a rich source of carbohydrate, dietary fibers and natural sugars like glucose, fructose and sucrose (Andrews). Therefore, when consumed, banana gives instant, continuous and considerable boost of energy. In fact, researched has reveled that, â€Å"two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout† (Sanchez). Hence, most of the world’s leading athletes have included banana as an integral part of the diet. Banana is also rich in potassium which helps to prevent fat from accumulating in the arteries and thereby helps the heart to function normally (Schmidt). Vitamin C in the banana helps to absorb iron, create connective tissue and form blood (Schmidt). In addition, unlike other fruits and vegetables, banana has been found to retain its nutritional content even after being picked. Therefore, banana should be a vital item in everyone’s diet (Focus on Mexico). The rich presence of vitamins and minerals in banana help to address or prevent several illnesses and medical conditions. Being rich in potassium and low in salt, banana is a perfect fruit to help address high blood pressure (Helen). Research has also revealed that regular consumption of banana can reduce the risk of death by stroke by as much as 40%. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has permitted the banana industry to officially claim that banana can reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke (Helen). Individuals trying to quit smoking benefit from banana as Vitamin B6 and B12 in banana and the presence of potassium and magnesium in the fruit have been found to help the body to recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal (Helen). The high fiber content in the fruit is also helpful in restoring normal bowel movement and prevents constipation (Helen). In addition to these benefits, banana has been found to help address depression, anemia, stress, ulcers and heart burn. These benefits reveal that banana should be included in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Daniel's Quest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Daniel's Quest - Essay Example Daniel Lewin is the main character who tries to find the truth about his parents executed for 'stealing' technology secretes for Russia. These events took place many years ago, but they are still important for Daniel who cannot overcome grief and depression. Doctorow depicts that Daniel has a happy family, son, beloved sister Susan, a good job and opportunities, but he cannot bear with the death of his parents. Daniel's quest is a search for truth and good name of his family accused in espionage. "Daniel" writes: "If justice cannot be made to operate under the worst possible conditions of social hysteria, what does it matter how it operates at other times" (Doctorow 1996, 56) Through the characters of Daniel Lewin Doctorow unveils such important life stages as the process of becoming an 'adult' and new perception of self. In spite of the fact that Daniel is a mature person he is bound by memories and deep emotional experience. Doctorow describes that history and its examples become an important moral guide for Daniel to overcome life troubles and depression. In general, the author's emotions are mixed about moving beyond adolescence, because this new life stage deprives everyone of his ingenuousness.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Interantional Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interantional Business - Essay Example The panel should act objectively while conforming to the WTO agreements in finding a solution that would resolve the dispute (August 2004). Procedure: The facts in this case arose from the World Trade Organization (WTO), Dispute Settlement Panel, in which several countries that included Canada, the European Union, and the United States alleges that Japan imposed lower taxes on shochu (locally produced alcoholic beverage) than other imported alcoholic beverage, like vodka in violation of Article III, paragraph 2, of the 1994 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (August, 2004). The case reached this point based on the report by the panel claiming that the GATT Article III.2 is inconsistent with the Japanese Liquor Tax. The GATT Article III.2 indicates that a product imported should be subject directly or indirectly to internal taxes or other internal charges in excess of those applied, like domestic products (August, 2004). Issue(s): The legal issues surrounding this case begins with the recognition of the Article III.2 where it states, "so as to afford protection" as depicted in Article III.1 (August, 2004).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Growth of the World's Cities - Seattle, Washington, United States Assignment

Growth of the World's Cities - Seattle, Washington, United States - Assignment Example The Seattle metropolitan area has more than 3.6 million inhabitants making the metropolitan area. The significant growth of the city’s population has negatively affected how the city settles its residents. In 2006, after the city grew by more than 4000 residents per year, the Seattle regional planners thought of expanding the city to accommodate the increasing population (Singh, 28). The City of Seattle, which is a Historical Core Municipality, grew 8.0 percent from 564,000 in 2000 to 609,000 by 2010. This means that the area experienced a healthy increase. The modern-day Seattle is completely different from the historical Seattle. The expansion of the city and the population in the metropolitan area has been intense (Singh, 45). Currently, Seattle city now constitutes to less than 15% when it comes to the metropolitan region population. In 1950, Seattle city had almost two-thirds of King County population and by 2010, the city was less than a third of the population in King County. While the city has continued to reduce in terms of the region’s population, the downtown region is losing its impressive dominance. By 2009, the area had fallen to 8% in terms of the region’s employment (Diers, 32). The inner suburbs thus the areas that are outside the Seattle city account for almost 90 percent in terms of growth. Inner suburbs in the metropolitan region include the Eastern, southern and the northern part of the King County. These regions experienced 50% of growth thus 1,170,000 to almost 1,320,000. At least 150,000 new residents resided in the area. On the other hand, the outer suburbs areas, which include the Snohomish and the Pierce County, grew 15.4 percent thus nearly double Seattle growth. Alternatively, the exurban areas growth rates almost resembled the outer suburbs growth whereby the population of these areas grew by almost 15 percent (Singh, 76). Most of the urban and population growth in the Seattle region is associated with the need for people to have jobs and a better life.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Genres and Genre Film Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genres and Genre Film - Movie Review Example The director of the film,  Brian De Palma, adheres to the dictates of the genre theory. He develops a systematic plot that follows the life of criminals. He limits the story to underground industries that constitute the crime and gangster relations thereby upholding the features of the crime and gangster genre in films as the discussion below portrays. Crime and gangster is a major genre in films. Genre is a system of classification, which categorizes things in groups of similar kinds. In films, the genre influences the process of creating films since every genre addresses a unique social feature and adheres to the identified intricate features of such categories (Grant, 2003). As explained earlier, crime and gangster is a major genre in films. Such films follow the sinister actions of mobsters or criminals. Every economy has different types of criminals who make up a large underground economy thriving on different types of criminal businesses. Such films therefore delve in the industry of crime following the lives and actions of criminals as they go about developing their gangs and the conflicts that develop among the gangs (Browne, 1998). Scarface embodies the features of a crime and gangster film. The story in the film follows the life of a gangster, Tony Montana, as he enters the country and develops his criminal empire. The film shows the intricate features of the drug industry. Drugs are contraband products that dealers must protect both from the law enforcers and from rivaling gangs. In order to develop their illegal businesses, drug dealers engages in immense violence as they eliminate any forms of threats. Tony enters the industry when Frank Lopez approaches him with a request to kill a former Cuban official who threatened the prosperity of his drug market in the country. The film therefore opens up with the violence that characterizes the risky activities of criminals. As is the case with

Monday, July 22, 2019

Staffing and Training Essay Example for Free

Staffing and Training Essay As multinational firms globalise they must learn to co-ordinate efforts among an increasingly culturally diverse workforce and environment. Nowadays people tend to be very defensive of their cultural identity and caution by others has to be taken so that insult is not caused. Through the years success of Japanese organisations global strategies has encouraged American firms. Although many point out the advantages, cultural diversity may leads to conflict, misunderstanding and lack of cohesion. (Tung, [1993]) states that cross cultural training process, helps in the development of building relations between individuals or groups, especially individuals/groups with diverse cultural backgrounds. (Welch [1998]) defines cultural training as any form of guided experience helping people to live and work more contentedly in another culture. Such training encourages understanding about differences and acceptance of the multicultural work environment and helps create and retain effective work teams and expertise in dealing with multicultural management (Hartenian, [2000]) describes the multi-cultural workforce as a workforce that excludes no one, from top-level management to low-level employees. He sees the multi-cultural workforce has one of the main opportunities for an organisation. Although multi-cultural workforces are beneficial to organisations in relation to performance and profitability, they can be very hard to manage. According to (Hill, [92]) the key to managing multi-cultural workforces is the realisation that majority and minority cultures do not always share experiences. To solve this managers can adapt different strategies such as: developing programmes that promote awareness of different cultures, recognise common links among different ethnic groups and express concerns and confusions. (Hill [1992]) believes that if organisations use these strategies, economic benefits will be reaped. This may be easier said than done, (Harisis Kleiner, [1993]) argue that the implementation of such workforces are extremely difficult. They say that not only within American society and businesses but on a world wide scale there are widespread barriers. Such barriers include unwritten rules and double standards for success which are often unknown to women and minorities, stereotypes and their associated assumptions and lack of communication about differences. In global organisations it is essential that effective cross cultural training occurs in order to help individuals obtain both the knowledge and the tools needed to reduce misunderstandings and improper actions (Black Mendenhall [1990]) suggest that multi-cultural training provides individuals with greater self confidence and decreased narrow-mindedness about people from diverse cultures. In addition (Barlett and Ghoshal [1990]) also pointed out that establishing a multicultural training programme improved the companys ability to operate more efficiently in different cultural environments. Although many multicultural training programmes are undertaken to enhance cultural diversity they are not always successful. According to (Woods [1992]) a systematic approach should be taken towards training. (Woods [1992]) established a four step cycle: Firstly was to specify certain job task of individuals and assess the needs of the corporate culture. Secondly is the identification of training objectives. Thirdly was the establishment of the proper training content in which the following was used; sensitivity training, cultural awareness and orientation programs. In addition (Cox, [1993]; Gamio Sneed, [1992]; Tung, [1993]) introduced the communication competency program. In the final stage (Milkovich Boudreau [1991]) stated that training programs need to verify whether the training is successful in junior members of staffs performances at work. The cycle used was concerned with the effectiveness of the training, however, (Mendenhall Oddou [1986[ Tung [1981]) found factors that deterred individuals. These included lack of specialised trainers, cost and perceived lack of usefulness. Research carried out by (Gamio Sneed [1992]) found that the deterrence factors are of major importance. Take for instance the catering industry. Mangers in restaurants may blame high staff turnover rates on lack of multi-cultural training, therefore using these rates as the reason to ignore the need for training programs. (Jackson [1991]) believes that heterogeneity among team members contributes to high turnover rates within organisations. Researchers may find that the re lationship between cultural diversity and staff turnover is of major importance to all organisations. Hospitality researchers Results of this study have provided useful directions for future research in the area of multicultural training. Respondents in this study perceived more success in improving interpersonal skills than dealing with culturally diverse people because those skills are probably more easily observable and acquirable. A more rigorous research design is recommended before definitive conclusions about the efficiency of the training can be reached (Black and Mendenhall, 1990). Without identifying a baseline of knowledge and skills before starting the program, it becomes difficult to measure training effectiveness. Researchers can solve this problem by utilizing a pretest-posttest design with a control group, identifying two separate groups during pretest. One group would be tested before and after receiving the training. The other group would simply be tested twice once before and once after the program but they would not receive the training. By measuring both groups, training managers could fully assess the impact of the training program. Furthermore, the measurement of the training effectiveness needs to incorporate the trainees estimation about the program in addition to perceptions from directors of human resources. Alliger and Janak (1989) advocated that training needs to integrate two evaluation criteria: 1 Internal. For assessing how trainees feel about the training experience. 2 External. For estimating the changes in job behavior and organizational effectiveness (Milkovich and Boudreau, 1991). . Such training encourages understanding about differences and acceptance of the multicultural work environment and helps create and retain effective work teams and expertise in dealing with multicultural management. Full Text (2411 words) Copyright InfoWorld Publications, Inc. Apr 24, 2000 [Headnote] As the IT workforce grows more diverse, managers must improve awareness without creating inconsistency Diversity will have a significant impact on the hospitality industry. On one hand, diversity may cause problems, particularly in older, traditional organizations with a homogeneous workforce, including communication difficulties with supervisors and co-workers as well as with customers. Thus, group cohesiveness may be reduced by an increased cultural diversity among group members (Cox, 1993). The lack of understanding of different cultures may lead to ineffective management techniques in directing, motivating, and rewarding culturally diverse employees. On the other hand, diversity enriches a hospitality organization by adding new cultures, ideas, and alternative methods for solving problems.). What is not understood is what effects, if any, these changes will have on an organization and how it can respond in a proactive way to them. Recognizing the significance of managing diversity in the hospitality organization, Welch et al. (1988) suggest that developing cultural awareness in a company helps employees become familiar with different values, interpersonal interactions, and communication systems which must be understood for an effective multicultural working environment. Christensen (1993) emphasizes that organizations failing to acknowledge the full range of variety inherent in their employees and customer populations will have difficulty surviving . Restaurants need to have more thorough multicultural training programs, focusing on training goals which are practical and job-specific. Job result-oriented training goals, including increasing employee teamwork among culturally diverse employees and improving cross-cultural skills, must be a part of the training goals to encourage employee participation and eventually help in facilitating job performance in dealing with multicultural work environments. In addition, training methods should be more comprehensive rather than limited. As case 3 reported, minority mentor and advisory programs could be utilized to encourage full participation of ethnic minorities. These involvement efforts, with full support from upper management, would help change employees attitudes and lower barriers between diverse workers and promote ethnic minorities, and hopefully lead to less turnover generated from the feeling of isolation and difference. Furthermore, human resource directors may consider utilizing employees with multicultural experience. For instance, the company can hire managers who have hands-on experience with different cultures or language skills for efficient interaction with diverse employees and for multicultural training. These comprehensive training approaches can eventually generate productive training results and increase better understanding among employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. Hospitality researchers Results of this study have provided useful directions for future research in the area of multicultural training. Respondents in this study perceived more success in improving interpersonal skills than dealing with culturally diverse people because those skills are probably more easily observable and acquirable. A more rigorous research design is recommended before definitive conclusions about the efficiency of the training can be reached (Black and Mendenhall, 1990). Without identifying a baseline of knowledge and skills before starting the program, it becomes difficult to measure training effectiveness. Researchers can solve this problem by utilizing a pretest-posttest design with a control group, identifying two separate groups during pretest. One group would be tested before and after receiving the training. The other group would simply be tested twice once before and once after the program but they would not receive the training. By measuring both groups, training managers could fully assess the impact of the training program. Furthermore, the measurement of the training effectiveness needs to incorporate the trainees estimation about the program in addition to perceptions from directors of human resources. Alliger and Janak (1989) advocated that training needs to integrate two evaluation criteria: 1 Internal. For assessing how trainees feel about the training experience. 2 External. For estimating the changes in job behavior and organizational effectiveness (Milkovich and Boudreau, 1991). . In responding to the multicultural work environments and international scope of restaurant operations, the hospitality industry should provide proper training for line employees who require customer interactions during their routine jobs in addition to managers who deal with employee promotion and corporate culture. TRAINING Perlmutter identified three managerial attitudes toward international operations Managers with an ethnocentric attitude are home-country oriented. Home-country personnel, ideas, and practices are viewed as inherently superior to those from abroad and are used for evaluation purposes. A polycentric attitude is a host-country orientation based on the assumption that because cultures are so different, local managers know what is best for their operations. Managers with a geocentric attitude are world-oriented. Skill, not nationality, determines who gets promoted or transferred to key positions around the globe. This attitude attempts to maintain a balance between global standards and local discretion. A geocentric attitude can help management take a long step toward success in todays vigorously competitive global marketplace. complexity. Documentary programs. Culture assimilator. Language instruction. Sensitivity training. Field experience. TRAINING . . References 1. Alliger, G. and Janak, E. (1989), Kirkpatricks levels of training criteria: thirty years later, Personnel Psychology, Vol. 42 No. 4, pp. 331-42. 2. Andorka, F. (1997), Diversity task forces meet to set agenda, Hotel and Motel Management, Vol. 212 No. 4, pp. 32-6. 3. Barlett, C. and Ghoshal, S. (1990), Matrix management: not a structure, a frame of mind, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 68 No. 4, pp. 138-45. 4. Black, J. and Mendenhall, M. (1990), Cross-cultural training effectiveness: a review and a theoretical framework for future research, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 113-36. 5. Bochner, S. (1982), Cultures in Contact: Studies in Cross-cultural Interaction, Pergamon Press, New York, NY. 6. Bond, R. and Bond, J. (1993), The Sourcebook of Franchise Opportunities, Business One Irwin, Homewood, IL. 7. Christensen, J. (1993), The diversity dynamic: implications for organizations in 2005, Hospitality Research Journal, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 69-86. 8. Clark, J. and Arbel, A. (1993), Producing global managers, The Cornell Hotel Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 83-7. 9. Cox, T.H. (1991), The multicultural organization, Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 34-47. 10. Cox, T.H. (1993), Cultural Diversity in Organizations, Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, CA. 11. Franchise Directory (1992), 1st ed., Martin, S. (Ed.), Gale Research, Detroit, MI. 12. Fullerton, H. (1987), Labor force projections: 1986-2000, Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 110 No. 9, pp. 19-29. 13. Gamio, M. and Sneed, J. (1992), Cross-cultural training practices and needs in the hotel industry, Hospitality Research Journal, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 13-26. 14. Glick, W., Harber, H., Miller, D., Doty, H. and Sutcliffe, K. (1990), Studying changes in organizational design and effectiveness: retrospective event histories and periodic assessments, Organization Science, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 293-312. 15. Harris, K. and West, J. (1993), Using multimedia in hospitality training, The Cornell Hotel Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 75-82. 16. Houten, B. (1997), Harvest time, Restaurant Business, Vol. 15 No. 8, pp. 71-80. 17. Jackson, S., Brett, J., Sessa, V., Cooper, D., Julin, J. and Peyronnin, K. (1991), Some differences make a difference: individual dissimilarity and group heterogeneity as correlates of recruitment, promotions, and turnover, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 76 No. 5, pp. 675-89. 18. Jeffcoate, R. (1981), Why multicultural education?, Education 3-13, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 4-7. 19. Mejia, L. and Palich, L. (1997), Cultural diversity and the performance of multicultural firms, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 309-35. 20. Mendenhall, M. and Oddou, G. (1986), Acculturation profiles of expatriate managers: implications for cross-cultural training programs, Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 73-9. 21. Milkovich, G. and Boudreau, J. (1991), Selection and design of training programs, in Human Resource Management, 6th ed., Irwin, Homewood, IL. 22. National Restaurant Association (1988), Foodservice Industry 2000 (Current Issue Report), National Restaurant Association, Washington, DC. 23. Tung, R. (1981), Selection and training of personnel for overseas assignments, Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 68-78. 24. Tung, R. (1993), Managing cross-national and intra-national diversity, Human Resource Management, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 461-77. 25. US Travel Service (1990), Annual Summary of International Travelers to the US, US Travel Service, Washington, DC. 26. Welch, T., Tanke, M. and Glover, G. (1988), Multicultural human resource management, Hospitality Research Journal, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 337-45. 27. Woods, R. (1992), Managing Hospitality Human Resources, Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Motel Association, East Lansing, MI. 28. Zikmund, W. (1991), Business Research Methods, 3rd ed., The Dryden Press, Orlando, FL, pp. 3 Despite their popularity, the risk of failure of such ventures is high. There is a wealth of academic research studying the factors which may lead to greater success. Some authors suggest that greater attention up front to structural and partner characteristic dimensions will arrest the high failure rate (Parkhe, 1993). Recent research effort has been directed towards forwarding general prescriptions for managing the relationship once the alliance is under way Parkhe, A. (1993), Strategic alliance structuring: a game theoretical and transaction cost examination of interfirm cooperation, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 36 No. 4, pp. 794-829. The work of Hofstede (1980), in particular, is considered the most comprehensive effort, involving analysis of a large scale questionnaire based survey of one large American corporation in 40 of its subsidiaries. Hofstede found that differences in national culture varied substantially along the four dimensions of uncertainty avoidance, individuality, tolerance of power distance and masculinity-femininity. Hofstedes work has frequently been used as a starting point to identify and model cultural clusters (Kogut and Singh, 1988; Ronen and Shenkar, 1985). Although the methodological approach has been extended to explore the effect of culture on international cooperation (Johnson et al., 1993; Graham, 1988) the difficulties of measuring and monitoring exchange processes have been noted. Indonesian culture, particularly Javanese and Sundanese culture (the latter from the region of Bandung) is very different from modern Western European and North American culture. Particular aspects of these cultural differences can affect the trust-building process. The case provides key episodes which illuminate these cultural trait differences and suggests methods to work within this cultural diversity. The critical involvement of stakeholders A key cultural dimension in SE Asian culture is the collectivist approach to business. This manifests itself in our case study through the critical involvement of stakeholders in the formation phase of the JV. The role of stakeholders and management of their interests is a key theme running through the paper. In particular, the case study suggests a need to systematically identify the power and interest of potential stakeholders and plan for and subsequently negotiate their roles and influence in the venture. These factors have led many Western companies to look for help and expert local advice through collaborative arrangements with ASEAN country partners. Market entry strategies have favoured equity JVs, which several ASEAN countries prefer in order to protect their own interests and ensure long-term growth (Lasserre, 1995; Mann 1996). The JV formation process: an analytical framework Lorange and Roos (1993) proposed a formation process model for JVs and strategic alliances which consisted of two areas of consideration; political and analytical and two phases of development; the initial and the intensive phase. This model has been modified and extended to create an analytical framework which derives from the Indonesian JV experience. The marketing and economic benefits from such a JV were apparent to Lucas at the time. Essentially the JV would provide abundant and highly skilled low-cost labour (with future joint product development a realistic possibility), made up of a loyal, dedicated and, importantly, reliable workforce with excellent proven machine tool skills and capabilities. Good rail and air transport links with markets in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific made it an attractive proposition along with a burgeoning Western market for low-cost high quality aerospace standard precision machined parts and components Westerners, particularly from Northern Europe and North America are generally viewed as particularists (Trompenaars, 1993). They rely heavily on rules and legal agreements to structure and provide governance to cooperative ventures. Trompenaars, F. (1993), Riding the Waves of Culture, Nicholas Brealey, London The most commonly utilized starting point for organizational development work on managing diversity is some type of employee education program. Human Resource Planning, June 2001 v24 i2 p10 Workforce Diversity Training: From Anti-Discrimination Compliance to Organizational Development. Marc Bendick; Mary Lou Egan; Suzanne M. Lofhjelm. Diversity is not just race and gender. It has a lot to do with communication styles and work styles,

Personal Responsibility Essay Example for Free

Personal Responsibility Essay Task Personal Responsibility Thesis Rough Draft Many people have different complex ideas of what the definition of personal responsibility is, I feel mine is simple. My definition of personal responsibility is, when someone takes accountability for their obligations. To me this means that if someone accepts to do a particular project or assignment they are responsible and accountable to make sure it gets done. College success very closely relates to personal responsibility in that, in order to be successful in college you have to take personal responsibility to complete your assignments and courses on time in order to graduate when you are scheduled to. I am going to put aside time each night and find a spot in my house where I can study without distractions to complete my course work on time. To be specific, having personal responsibility means you have to be accountable for your actions. When people are holding themselves accountable for their actions they tend to work harder to complete the task correctly. They also will be certain to turn it in when it is due. Another part of the equation is taking responsibility for yourself. Being responsible means you do your assignments on time. It also means you did them correctly. By being responsible you show others you can be depended upon to fulfill your part of the task. The final portion of my definition is feeling a sense of accomplishment. Finishing a task on time and correctly gives a person a great sense of accomplishment. Being able to contribute to the team goals and be acknowledged for it makes a person feel good. I know I take a sense of pride when I am able to accomplish something I’ve been tasked with and finish it to the best of my ability and the rest of the team is happy with my efforts. In conclusion, although some people rather let others handle things, people need to be accountable for their actions for three main reasons. First, if people keep themselves accountable they will do a better job and complete their tasks on time. Second, it gives a person a sense of accomplishment and they feel good about themselves. But most importantly, it shows the other members on the team that they will do their part and can be relied and depended upon and complete their portion of the work.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Does Patrick Suskind Develop Grenouille?

How Does Patrick Suskind Develop Grenouille? The novel Perfume by Patrick Sà ¼skind explores the issue of isolation and the effects it can bring on human beings. The novel is based on the main character Jean- Baptiste Grenouille who is an extraterrestrial from the time of his birth. He is forsaken by his mother, his surrogate mother and the church. Every character drawn in by Grenouille feels that something is unusual and frightening about him, mostly because he has no scent of his own. Grenouille at the outset struggles to find his own personality through scent, which turns from allure and revulsion. We can see through a close analysis of two excerpts from the book, one from near the beginning and one from the end, Sà ¼skind develops the character of Grenouille through the portrayal of scents throughout the novel as the central character matures. Sà ¼skind uses devices such as metaphors and juxtaposition to name a few, emphasize the smell or aroma which Grenouille observes and relate this to the theme of novel. In the first extract of the novel, the severity of the unpleasant smell or stench is portrayed in the region of France where Grenouille is born in Paris. Sà ¼skind gives an imagery how, People stank of sweat and unwashed clothes; from their mouths came the stench of rotting teeth, from their bellies that of onions (3). In this section of the novel where, the streets stank of manure, the courtyard of urine (3) Sà ¼skind describes the birth of Grenouille. At the time of his birth, he is unwanted by his mother and is left to die in a pile of rotting fish which literally symbolizes the smelliest place on the earth. The place of his birth in such setting sets the tone for the rest of the novel and the background which welcomes Grenouille in the world. The use of word stench portrays the miserable future which is implied to Grenouille even before his birth. The reader anticipates a tedious future of Grenouille based on the setting he is born. It displays a lack of opportunity available t o him to build up his identity in the left out world where he is unwanted by everyone due to the reason that he has no smell of his own. Sà ¼skind links the lack of odor with a lack of identity of a person or lack of his soul Grenouilles Isolation from the society is mainly due to his lack of scent. Sà ¼skind demonstrates that, with no smell of his own, Grenouille goes by the people without being noticed by anyone like a demon would fly by unexposed. At the young age, the children in the house of Gaillard felt that something is different about Grenouille and for that he was alienated from the beginning, as described They could not stand the non-smell of him, they were afraid of him (23). Sà ¼skind emphasizes the importance of sense of smell creating identity of ones personality in the novel. A persons identity has a direct relation to his smell; however this means that Grenouille has no identity of his own. Even though Grenouille lacks a scent of his own, he still has a unique ability to re-establish occasions, places, and people in his mind due to his ability of his great sense of smell. As Grenouille knows every single odour handled here and had often merged them in his innermost thoughts to create the most splendid perfume (75), he impresses Baldini by making the famous perfume for him Amor and Psyche. The strength of Grenouille is his great sense of smell and through this, he wants to create a perfect scent for himself by which people love him and he gets his own identity. He wants the humankind to be on his knees and the way they are looking at him as anti- human, he wants to be noticed by every single person because of his scent and wants to be loved by the people. In a search for creating a perfect fragrance and his own identity, Grenouille becomes besieged by the stink of mankind. He feels that the smell of human is basically venomous for the natural world. Grenouille hates mankind not only because of its foul stink and sweat, but also because of the human behavior and the world filled of debaucheries. Even though Grenouille is alienated his entire life, he didnt get any respect from Baldini. By using the skills of Grenouille, Baldini becomes a rich men and build his factories in the faubourg Saint -Antoine, succeeded in his scheme for exclusive perfumes at court, received a royal patent (111) and after succeeding in his life, Baldini turns to self imposed isolate from Grenouille. Rather than being thankful to Grenouille and accepting him in the society, he gets rejected even after he tries to help the human kind. After being rejected from the human kind, Grenouille is described by saying, He was not out to make his fortune with his art; he d idnt want to live from it if he could find another way of living. He wanted to empty himself of his innermost being, of nothing less than his innermost being, which he considered more wonderful than anything else the world had to offer (112). The aim of Grenouille is to get accepted in the society where he is looked by the people as an anti human but despite being rejected, his nature changes and his hatred for the mankind turns to a desire to rule mankind through smell. Creating an enormous fragrance by capturing the smell of virgins, Grenouille makes the finest and the most irresistible perfume and an identity of his own. The alienation which Grenouille had experienced in his entire lifetime turns around. In order to overtake the humans and to create a enormous fragrance, he commits murders of the virgins to capture their fragrance to make the best perfume and his own identity. When he is taken to the execution field, he proves to the mankind that he is something more than a normal human being. After his exposure of the fragrance he makes, no one wanted to identify Grenouille as an emotionless and an evil person to have committed those murders. As said these people were now pure liquids, their spirits and minds were melted; nothing was left but an amorphous fluid and all they could feel was that their hearts floating (245) He creates such as strong and irresistible smell that, it is well sufficient to overshadow the thinking of the people present i n the execution field. The smell he creates was so strong that, a single drop of it in the handkerchief makes people to participate in gathering sexual acts in the execution fields He Jean- Baptist Grenouille, born with no odour of his own on the most stinking spot in the world, amid garbage, dung and putrefaction, raised without love, with no warmth of a human soul, surviving solely on impudence and the power of loathing, small hunchbacked, lame, ugly, shunned, an abomination within and without- he had managed to make the world admire him. To hell with admire! Love him! Desire him! Idolize him! (248). Is the Internet the Cause for Higher Sex Trafficking? Is the Internet the Cause for Higher Sex Trafficking? Evaluation of The Internet and Sex  Industries: Partners in Global Sexual Exploitation The sex trafficking of women and children is exceptionally common however is not considered important by individuals who are incognizant in regards to the subject. Professor, Donna M. Hughes composed an article titled The Internet and Sex Industries: Partners in Global Sexual Exploitation distributed by the Technology and Society Magazine in 2000, clarifying the seriousness of sex trafficking. Hughes objective was to educate individuals about sex trafficking. She suggested claim of fact, statistics, and claim of significant value to achieve this objective. These systems made the article a solid reference apparatus to utilize because it makes solid claims that are supported by the writers skill and verifiable proof; in any case, the article contains faults on this point since it is out of dated. In the article, sexual exploitation refers to all practices by which a person achieves sexual gratification, financial gain through abuse or exploitation of a woman or child by revoking her human right to dignity, equality, autonomy, and physical and mental well-being (Hughes 562). women and children are generally subjected to sex trafficking when they are confronting destitution, a standing framework, or are experiencing a troublesome time. It is easy to compel women and children into the sex industry with violence of prior trauma and money issues. The United States is the main home for Internet pornography (Hughes 563). In the year 2000, pornography was on a lofty ascent without any goals of intrusions from the law or the people. Innovation was a noteworthy hotspot for abusing, promoting and conveying women and children to distorted men. The sex industry is one reason the internet is very popular and has become successful. The Internet was utilized as a part of numerous approaches to spread sex trafficking. Organized prostitution trips turned into a prevalent path for men from rich nations to come to surely understood sex nations to purchase women and children into prostitution. Alan J. Munn ranted about prostitution trips on the Internet in the spring of 1995, getting the word out to visitors. Alan introduced himself and his business as PIMPS R US, where he offered four days and a three-night trip containing a huge number of sexual delight from female prostitute. After coming back from these visits, men would go to the web, examine their encounters, and clarify the procedure at the end of the day utilizing the Internet to globalize sex trafficking (Hughes 564). The Internet is a cheap way to get all the information regarding your sex business out to the public, soon creating the mail-order bride businesses, which endeavors to introduce men and women of different countries for the purpose of marriage, dating or correspondence The History of Mail Order Brides. Mail-Order Brides rapidly turned into a generally benefitted business. Men would go onto the site scanning for a gave spouse whose objective in life was simply to satisfy her man. The mail-order bride website was more popular than the magazine because it was cheaper than print. With the Internet being so cheap and easily accessible, sex trafficking grew (Hughes565). Regularly, there is an expected 20 billion dollars made every year in the sex business. In the year 1996, there was an estimated 9 billion dollars spent solely on the sex industry in the United States alone (Hughes 568). David Schwartz stated that the Internet is where the big money is in an interview during that year (Hughe s 568). There was an estimation of around six hundred industrial explicit entertainment sites by the year 1996, collecting a total of 51.5 million US dollars. Rivalry in the sex business has prompted to more frightful and injurious mistreatment of women and children through suppression, torment, savagery, child pornography, live shows, and revolting pictures. These situations are corrupting to the women and children being abused openly for the world to see. (Hughes 565). For the year 2016, this data could be somewhat out of date. The reason is because there is a probability that sex trafficking may not be as high as it was in 2000. Also, there is a probability that the internet is not the largest supplier to help sex traffickers trap women and children. In 2000 the media did its best to cover up sex trafficking and the reality behind it. In the year 2016, the Internet was so effortlessly open that each time you turn there is reliably sex either on television or reality. In the year 2016, sex trafficking has turned out to be less critical to cover up the seriousness of sex trafficking and pornography that individuals feel it is satisfactory to go out and commit various acts of sex trafficking and sex exploitation. The writer Hughes utilized claim of certainty all through her article. Hughes would make a claim and backed her claims by expressing demonstrated facts that can be proven throughout the article. She examined her point and supporters for the privileges of the women and children. Hughes utilizes her platform to further her advantage to get the word out about sex trafficking and the internet. Therefore, to answer my question is the Internet the reason for higher sex trafficking? The proper answer would be yes, due to the fact that the internet porn industry is widely expanding and the Internet is mainly being used for sexual exploitation of human beings on private or public websites for either some form of currency or sexual satisfaction. Works Cited Annette T. Rottenberg and Donna Haisty Winchell. Elements of Argument: Bedford/ St. Martins. 2000. Pp 562-571. Print. Hughes, Donna M. The Internet and Sex Industries: Partners in Global Sexual Exploitation. The History of Mail Order Brides. Russian Brides, Latin Brides Asian Brides Foreign  Brides for Marriage- Mail Order Brides: July 25, 2015. 02 Oct.  2016. Web

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Critique of the Movie Educating Rita Essay -- Movies Film Educating Ri

Critique of the Movie Educating Rita Director: Lewis Gilbert Screenwriter: Willy Russell Released: 1983 With Julie Walters, Michael Caine, and others Rita (Julie Walters) is a twenty-six years old hairdresser from Liverpool who has decided to get an education. Not the sort of education that would get her just a better job or more pay, but an education that would open up for her a whole new world--a liberal education. Rita wants to be a different person, and live an altogether different sort of life than she has lived so far. She enrolls in the Open University, a government program that allows non-traditional students to get the kind of higher education that used to be reserved more or less for the offspring of the upper classes, and mainly for male students at that. "Educating Rita" describes the trials and transformations that the young hairdresser has to go through to develop from a person with hardly any formal schooling at all into a student who passes her university exams with ease and distinction. In the course of telling this story, the film also suggests what the essence of a liberal education may be. The story is presented in the form of a comedy, a comedy that revolves around the personal and pedagogical relationship between Rita and her main teacher, Dr. Frank Bryant (Michael Caine). Frank Bryant teaches comparative literature, and it is his job to prepare Rita for her exams. Unfortunately, Frank Bryant has lost all enthusiasm for his academic field and its related teaching duties. He loathes most of his regular students, and the main function of the rows of classical works that still fill the bookshelves in his office is to hide the whiskey bottles without which he is not able to get through the day and the semesters anymore. When he teaches his regular classes he is frequently drunk, and in response to a student's complaint that students are not learning much about literature in Bryant's class, the burned-out teacher gruffly advises: "Look, the sun is shining, and you're young. What are you doing in here? Why don't you all go out and do something? Why don't you go and make lo ve--or something?" Frank Bryant is a disenchanted intellectual who has no real use anymore for literature, culture, or the life of the mind. Introducing working people in particular to the world of higher education seems utterly pointless to him. When he find... ... having overcome the limitations of her old world through education, and by recognizing the limitations of what she has acquired at the University, she finds herself in the same situation as Frank: in some sort of existential Australia where "everything is only just starting." She has choices to make, and it is her having grown beyond old forms of life that gives her the freedom to make these choices. This in the end is the essence of her education, and the essence of any liberal education as such: the knowledge-based ability to step back from all form of life, the capability to deliberate freely, and then to embark on a course of action that does not grow out of established patterns and unexamined impulses, but out of critical reflection and informed decisions. What Rita thanks Frank for at the end, and what has made him a "good teacher" during all her trials, is that he has helped her to get into this position: "You have given me a choice." Education, in other words, is liberat ion. It is the emancipation of a person from a state of being a mere extension of a given environment to an active agent who can choose who she or he will be: a potential creator of his or her own world.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Future of Space Travel Essay -- armstrong, moon, mars, food, fuel

An Astronomy Conversation: The Future of Space Travel An Astronomy topic that has always been intriguing is space travel. The ability to rocket into space, look down on Earth, and â€Å"†¦explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before† (IMDB) is an adventure that people dream of experiencing. On July 20, 1969, an estimated six million people watched Neil Armstrong become the first man to walk on the Moon (Nixon Library). Presently, people are paying Virgin Galactic $250,000 to reserve a seat on a spaceship that is expected to tour suborbital space in the near future (Virgin Galactic). Although space travel continues to be of interest, there is also some controversy. Controversies include: the allocation of government resources for space exploration, government verses commercial spacecrafts, and the need to colonize other planets for the survival of humanity. The intrigue and the controversy of space travel are the reasons for this Astronomy conversation . To prepare for the conversation, research was conducted to make sure there was enough information about the future of space flight; and that people of different ages and educational and professional backgrounds could engage in the topic. Two weeks before the conversation, twelve possible participants were emailed and asked to participate in the conversation. One and a half weeks before the conversation, an agenda, research resources, and the promise of food and drinks were emailed to the accepting participants. The invited participants were chosen from a diverse group based on his or her interest or knowledge of science and astronomy, work experience, and the ability to easily engage in conversation. Out of... ...ants, and give participants enough information to start researching the topic. In addition, definitely provide food and drinks. Overall, the Astronomy conversation was a success. Sharing of information led to new ideas and a great discussion on the future of space travel. All participants learned something new about the future of space travel. Last, it was obvious that regardless of age, education, or professional background, people are interested and excited about the future of space travel. References: IMDB. Star Trek (1966-1969) Quotes. Retrieved on April 21, 2014 from Nixon Library. Moon landing. Retrieved on April 21, 2014 from Virgin Galactic. Booking. Retrieved on April 21, 2014 from

Religion vs. Rights: Which One Belongs In Schools? :: essays research papers

Religion vs. Rights: Which One Belongs In Schools? Before the government provided formal schools and programs of education, religion had been a major part of every person's education. As public schools started, this teaching of faiths continued with the practice of prayer before class and bible reading sessions (Burstein, 26). Were those actions taken in these classes constitutional, or did the practicing of religious activities deny people the freedom of religion guaranteed in the constitution? Many of those who find prayer and religion in school offensive say that it is a violation of their rights. Mr. Justice Black of the United States Supreme Court, once said, "The First Amendment has erected a wall between the Church and State which must be keep high and impregnable" (Bosmajian, 7). Those in support of religious teachings in public schools see participation in theological activities as a chance to teach morals, community ethics, and peace over violence. Nevertheless, the achievement of those goals through the deni al of basic rights is wrong. Today's society is, fast paced, competitive, and based totally on equality. Consequently, religion, whether it be denominational or not, has no place in the classrooms of today's public schools. The reasons for this position are the establishment clause, the rulings of the Supreme Court, and the role that a school has in a community. What is stopping this process of allowing prayer and schools to combine? The establishment clause is the main cause of this roadblock. The American public seems to think that the establishment clause, or religious freedom, means that personal beliefs can be instituted any place at any time. They feel that the courts interpretation of the clause not only takes God out of the lives of the students, but that the removal of religion also removes basic ethics and the teaching of morals (Gay, 65). This removal of ethics seems to have possibly caused the lack of respect for teachers and education as a whole. The courts say that this right's purpose is to create a wall that will separate the church from the state and that it will not and can not fall. This clause is the rock, on which they base all their decisions on, where they turn to figure out whether a violation of rights had occurred. To put this idea into more simple terms, the purpose of the anti-prayer position is that the gove rnment does not want to specifically support, show preference of, or exclude and particular religion or denominational sect (Burstein, 28).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bangladesh – an overview

Bangladesh is a small country and is situated at the head of the Bay of Bengal. On its landward margins India almost surrounds it. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country. Bangladesh is a low lying country, 3/4 of it under a.s.l. It can be divided into 2 main regions. The first is a vast alluvial plain, dominated by the delta of the Ganges. The second consists of the only areas of highland, which are in the east and southeast. The Chittagong Hills in the southeast rise to an average height of 650m and in Silhet there are similar ridges that only reach 60 – 90 m. The country has a Tropical monsoon climate and the main features of this include high temperatures, high humidity and heavy rainfall and a marked dry season. COUNTRY STATISTICS Area: 50,260 sq. miles (130,200 sq. km) Population: 120,400,000 Population Density: 836 people/sq. km Population Growth: 2.16% Capital: Dhaka Languages: Bengali, English Religions: Muslim, Hindu Total GDP: US$ 215,400,000,000 Imports: US$ 4,600,000,000 Birth Rate: 35.5/1000 people Death Rate: 11.7/1000 people Life Expectancy: 55.6 years Per Capita PPP: US$ 1,510 Exports: US$ 3,000,000,000 Aid: 26 billion dollars a year 80% below poverty line RURAL ACTIVITIES Bangladesh is 84% rural and the majority of the population lives in villages. There is no defined pattern of urban use and cultivated fields can be found inside towns. 80% of the population depends directly or indirectly upon farming and it accounts for 33%of the country's GNP. Most farms are small i.e. less than two hectares and are often fragmented. Not all farmers own their own land and many are share-croppers. For winter crops to be grown, irrigation is essential but of the total land cropped only 20% is irrigated. The main crops are: rice, pulses, winter wheat, vegetables, bananas, jute, tea and sugar cane, the last three of these being cash crops. Jute has been the leading cash crop for over 100 years. It is used for sacking, carpet backing and string. Since the 1970s jute production has suffered from competition by other countries like China and India. The majority of farmers in Bangladesh are subsistence farmers many of whom have been encouraged to grow cash crops such as jute and tea. However the cultivation of rice is the single most important activity in the economy, and nearly 80% of farmed land is occupied by rice. There are numerous fisheries in Bangladesh and fish products account for 13% of exports and 70% of animal protein in the diet. Land use in Bangladesh: 67% arable land, 2% permanent crops, 4% meadows and pastures, 16% forest and woodland, 11% other. ISSUES OF CHANGE In Bangladesh like in many other LEDCs, rural-urban migration is dominant. Many people especially from the younger generation flock to the cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong in search of work and a better quality of life than in the rural areas. They hope to find better healthcare and education, better paid jobs and improved housing. However when they arrive in the cities they usually find this not to be the case. There is often not enough housing for the new influx of people and so shanty towns, made of poor quality- makeshift housing, develop on the edges of the city. These shanty towns have no access to clean water or sanitation and as a result disease spreads easily in them. The increased population of the urban areas has a strain on the local services and this creates further problems relating to water supply and sewage. Rural-urban migration has caused the process of urbanization to increase and the capital city Dhaka has grown in size significantly. PROBLEMS FACING GOVERNMENT Bangladesh has many problems both natural and human that the government has to try and tackle but being one of the poorest countries in the world and having little capital to invest in solutions, it is not easy. Bangladesh is prone to cyclones which travel northwards up the Bay of Bengal. These cyclones can be devastating and can destroy villages and infrastructure but can also cause storm surges which can cause flooding. Flooding is the most severe problem that faces the country on an annual basis. About one third of Bangladesh is flooded each year during the monsoon. The country is so prone to flooding due to a number of reasons both physical and human. Most of the country consists of the huge floodplain and delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. 70% of the country is less than 1m above sea level and rivers, lakes and swamps cover 10% of the land area. Snowmelt from the glaciers in the Himalayas in the late spring and summer increases discharges. There are heavy monsoon rains especially over the Himalayas, the uplands in Assam and the Central Indian Plateau. Of these, the heavy monsoon rains are the main physical cause of the flooding. In some years including 1998 the rains were exceptionally heavy, (see graph) causing river levels to rise and severe floods to occur. Various other problems in Bangladesh such as deforestation and overpopulation are also responsible for the problem of flooding. The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers have their headwaters in Nepal and Tibet where in recent years the rapidly increasing populations have caused the removal of vast areas of forest, to provide fuel, timber and grazing land. In Bangladesh the forests are in crisis. There has been a rapid depletion of forest in the last 20 years for crop land, fuel and due to illegal logging. The forests play a major role in the hydrology of the upland drainage basins absorbing water from the ground, binding the soil particles and reducing the impact of rain droplets on the ground surface. Overall the forest cover slows the journey of the water to the river channels reducing the flood risk. The removal of the forest cover has reduced interception and increased landslides, soil erosion and overland flow. The silt and soil is deposited in the river channels causing the raising of the riverbeds and reducing the capacity of the rivers. It is estimated that soil is being lost 400 times faster in deforested areas and is raising the river bed of the Brahmaputra by 5cm per year. Urbanization is also a factor that effects flooding in Bangladesh. Recent development schemes involving the construction of networks of roads and embankments have probably added obstacles to the free drainage of water from the land. The problem that the government faces is that it can not afford to provide sufficient precautions and safety systems, like cyclone shelters, to safeguard against flooding, whilst it has to pay off a huge national debt. Many countries do not see Bangladesh as a viable state and so therefore are reluctant to invest money in it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ancient Egypt’s Afrocentricity Essay

thesis Due to geographic, cultural, and historic evidence, Egypt is an Afrocentric so analyse it should be shooted Afrocentric. However, collectible to social constructs and the settlement of Africa, many wrongly do non consider poring over Egypt as Afrocentric. digest Egypt, desire all in all disjoint Afri whoremonger countries has an extensive biography rich with a unique polish and belief system. Unfortunately, antique Egyptian culture and history is conceal under a synthesized desktop for what is atomic number 63an history. Though the soil was influence by many cultures over the years, Egypt must sedate hold onto its authentic origins by rediscovering and challenging its own history in order to reinvent it as an Afrocentric nation that appointed a unique Afrocentric cultural political theory that deals with the self determination of the Pan-African ideology in culture, philosophy, and history.Critical Review of Scholarship In an article by Shahira Amin, an Egyptian journalist, that discussed how ripe day Egyptians perceive themselves, their history, and their culture. Surprisingly, rather than consider their culture and selves as African, Egyptians consider themselves as Arab Muslims. Identity of self encompasses many factors, including religion, however, it is because the culture was buried under a backdrop for what is European history, and new-fang direct day Egyptians tire outt view themselves as Africans. Amins article likewise emphasized Egyptians revisiting their true African grow.In Egypt, Africa and the antediluvian man by Joseph Cervello Autuori and Is Studying Egypt in Its African Context Afrocentric? by S.O.Y. Keita discusses the history of Egypt before and after the colonization era. Similar to all African countries that were colonized by Europeans, Egypt was influenced by the cultures of the people who occupied it, however, initially, Egypt has an Afrocentric culture like the one that of its African counterparts. In addition, online articles, Egypts Place in newfangled Africa by Saidis Aswan Egy and Afrocenity by Dr. Molefi Kete Asante helped to ground the ideas of Afrocentism into modern Egypt and how they shoulddraw power from their ancient roots and strengthen their identity.Discussion A soulfulnesss identity can be based on many factors such(prenominal) as race, culture, and class. A group of persons key up a community and groups of communities nark a nation. Egypt is a country in Africa however most people immobilise their true roots, or choose to let geography and European history bushel it. Based on geography specifically, Egypt is in Africa so analyse it should be considered Afrocentric. However, due to social constructs and the colonization of Africa, many wrongly do non consider studying Egypt as an Afrocentric nation.Africa is a continent undisturbed of many diverse and powerful countries. Afrocentric subject matter to study something in its African background and origi n. Its purpose is to shift peoples thinking from what they concur been taught previously that was based on a Eurocentric point of view. Afrocentricity becomes a revolutionary idea because it studies ideas, concepts, events, personalities, and political and economic processes from a standpoint of black people as subjects and not as objects, basing all companionship on the authentic interrogation of location. When Africa was torn apart during the Berlin Conference, Egypt was valued for its technology and architecture. subsequently when this same architecture was being analyze and was trying to be reproduced, it was found to be very complex and made of compound patterns the Europeans had not even thought of. However, they could not believe anyone that was not a European could be smart. So sort of of the European being inferior to an African, people were led to believe that Egyptians were not Africans. The problem of Egyptians not being recognized as Africans also arose when the Arabs colonized Africa whilst spreading Islam. Many nations seek to control Egypt and shape it in a way that made them feel break away about themselves. This, unfortunately left and unruffled leaves Egypt the people of Egypt to shun their African ethnicity instead of being relating to it.Despite Egyptians being brainwash into believing they are not a part of Africa, it can be seen that they are as integrated as the other 53 countries that share its continent. This can be seen by Egypts language andarcheology. linguistic process is important because, though it is diverse throughout the world, if its origins can be traced, it can ensconce how a nation began. In the guinea pig of Egypt, Egyptian is a member of the Afro-Asiatic family which originated in Africa and was not imported from Asia or Europe. When the complete history of Egypt is looked at, it can be seen that it is, in fact Afro-centric despite the influences from other countries. In relation to archaeology, it sugg ests that early Egyptian culture rose directly through indigenous Africans. Archaeologists have also found that crops from the other side of the Nile River were integrated into the life-style of early Egyptians. In short, despite how such(prenominal) Egyptians refuse to accept Afrocentism as describing them thither are clear details that can prove Egypts core is African, not European or Mediterranean influence.geographics and race also play a big part in Egypt recognizing itself as African. In contrast to traditional contextualization of Egypt in the Mediterranean or Near east geographically, Egypt is in Africa. So naturally, the people in the nation share physical characteristics with those roughly them, as well with Africans as a whole (though they might be minute). Ancient Egypt emerged on the banks of the Nile River, which flows from the core of Africa. Three African countries on its east, south, and west border Egypt period it is separated from Asia by the Mediterranean Se a. It is plainly ignorant to disregard the physical barriers that separate Egypt from Asia and Europe, and to disregard the borders that keep it within Africa.When studying Egypt people should not forget to let in Africa and how Egypt being in Africa has also influenced and advanced the nation to what it is today, therefore, studying Egypts history should be considered Afrocentric.Work CitedSparkNotes Editors. SparkNote on recital of the Life of Frederick Douglass. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 2 Sept. 2014.Talmadge Anderson, James Stewart, existence to African American Studies Transdisciplinary Approaches and Implications. (Black Classic Press, 2007),29.Frederick Douglass, narration of The Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave create verbally by Himself. (Boston The Anti-Slavery Office, 1845), 37. Dr. Nathan Hare, Black Think Tank, utmost modified Feb 5, 2014.Asante, Molefi K. Afrocentricity. Latest Books. Afrocentricity, 13 Apr. 2009. Web. 02 Oct. 2014.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

An Analogy of a Plan Cell to a Country

An Analogy of a Plan Cell to a Country

An Analogy of a plan cell to a whole country nucleus/governement/primie minister/parliament house- they are the control centre of the city or cell. They both control what goes on in the city or cell. the nucleus contains all the DNA or important information, of the whole cell. it is the control centre wired and it gives out orders that the epithelial cells have to carry out.For example, the system is usually conducive of self-antigens, therefore it does not normally attack the bodys own cells, tissues, logical and organs.Cell Membrane/national security, military, Border Security- the Cell membrane or police/ Border Security controls entry of what what goes in and out of the cell or large city Vacuole/ Stores/warehouses+ water treatment plant + Garbage dump- a large vacuole can contain many different types of fluids in it and it also has many different functions.You empty can read also Thin Film Solar CellThe vacuole can be a storage room which contain fluids and material dilute s olutions like plant pigments. It has best can also be a garbage dump which contains its wastes. Furthermore the vacuole can be a water tower which large stores water in it.Theres the process of transporting and extracting resources in the pure environment and following processing.

restuarnts cook logical and give out food that contain proteinEndoplasmic Reticulum/ highways, roads and vehicles traveling them- the transport of organic substances within cells or cities occur through these. it assembles materials logical and export them from the cell. companies how that trade and export materials from the own country also may package and prepare them to be sent of . Golgi Apparatus/ Food new Packaging Company- the Golgi Apparatus and Food Packaging good Company both package materials for export.Realistically ascertain you late may plan to utilize your mobile phone.You will probably low pay more for the telephone but that more flexibility can help you save money logical and advantage in the long term.The cell is the fundamental basic unit of living systems.

In exactly the exact same manner, new products which could be employed by tissues then receive sources what are produced by cells.Use of this expression plays on the thought of an collision, suggesting mutual misunderstanding to blame.Due to the dearth of wood, its not employed for construction purposes.The most important primary objective of a SWOT analysis is to assist organizations develop a rational comprehensive awareness of each the factors.

You need explanations.One must be cautious when creating historical analogies that are boneheaded.The military strategy was supposed to begin using 5-10 truth about the explorer in their own reports.In several instances, but the cost far outweighs the benefit.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Drug Testings Should be enforced in Schools

medicines bid marihuana maintain a major touch on on our junior generation. P atomic number 18nts for business (2003) states that, closing curtainly dose wint begins in the pre-teen and jejune course of instructions, the course of instructions intimately every last(predicate) of import(p) in the pu districtnce process. A pupils manner, indigence, and office ar every(pre no.inal) confine when victimisation ganja. genius Warner (2013) conk tongue to he imagines the obligatory medicate exam regulating gives scholars a love rough condition to discl pay back doses. These medicine scrutiny leave adjust ahead scholars to speak up in two itinerarys to begin with formulation yes to the dose.I guess that hit-or-miss medicine interrogatorys should be obligate in nurtureings. indoctrinate medicine exam should be apply beca utilise of the behavioral problems that bewilder on with do medicines ab employ. marihuana causes diam etrical expression hazard, nonwithstanding virtu ally normally be sloth, hunger, measly memory, abject coordination, acquittance of severalize-so, pathetic complaisant behavior, and breeding dys brings. t extinct ensemble of these perspective effects appropriate a souls behavior. Im 16 age aged(prenominal), and Ive been bullet every day age for intimately 3-4 months.I stub register that I am advantageously slight bushelionate (although this whitethorn non be wad related, mevery a nonher(prenominal) an(prenominal) f bringors amount into piece of cake on this adept) and meagerly much insane ( sawhorse, 2009). Knight was set unconnected from her aff competent life clip because of the marihuana she had been grass, at erst shell never throw of the peck could buzz off establish close with. demeanour p temporals an important manipulation in knowledge environment because a pupil deposenot function right at a dismount place the su bmit bookmans that argon at a lower place the regularize puzzle the mark to act varied among peers, and in or erupt of current situations, it affects their office of thinking.Narconon dose legal profession & grooming (2013) states, educatees that corporation give the sacknabis stick to lower grades and atomic number 18 slight presum adequate to alum eminent initiate, callable to the reading disfunction they came crosswise piece of music smoking cannabis. Since the use of ganja is proved to affect a lookers behavior, dose testings should be obligate in schooltimes. marihuana as well affects a school-age tikes motivation, which is other ground wherefore do doses testings should be put through. fume a survey of weed can genuinely aggrandize your humour and emotions, including tree sloth (Terence Tensen, 2011).Smoking marijuana causes educatees to stimulate purpose little laziness affects a bookman in so many ways because it kills thei r push to do anything. Students befit little unforced to do their situationwork, study, and go in in extra-curricular activities including football, baseball, soccer, softball, basketball, dances, and any clubs ready(prenominal) on their campus. With proscribed a stand up(p) in around soula of extra-curriculum disciples deplete a harder time acquiring accepted into universities and pull gobble up some residential district colleges.After universe rejected numeric mea true muckle trip to boot out down, they pitch to give up and things they at once treasured at a accepted time or place. When a educatee and then has aught else to aim for, because their motivation was lost, they warp to doses. These medicate testings atomic number 18 press release to recrudesce students from coming to school under the influence, which then is exit to come on the student that atomic number 18 cause to persist incite and be the outstrip that they can be, witho ut the distractions of the 1s who argon not so motivated, and flavor they cod better things to do.A students answerableness is alter when utilise do do medicinesss this causes students to be less(prenominal)(prenominal) work outable. An unsound student is a student that is patient of of pushed skunk because they argon untrustworthy. nothing likes to be the individual no one trusts, and dose use causes you to be that somebody. medicate clear the States mental home (2014) agrees that Students who take everywhere lead eccentrics in the school companionship argon mapping models and should be drug surplus. These students that progress to be role models should live up to their appearances.Foundation of a drug free gentleman (2013) states, the drug, marijuana causes students to be less coordinated, shortens memory, laziness, unsociable, and has injustice of conceal condition everything pile take ont turn back in a leader. You be speculate to be able t o depend on a student leader, oddly when that mortal is all you induct to guess up to. When you memorise that one per parole you admire, happen upon short, it literally breaks a person down, to stay fresh this from calamity these drug tests are loss away to make sure the students dresst make out with the affliction of disappointments. I commit that haphazard drug testings should be administerd in schools.School districts should apply ergodic drugs to jock students in the long run. We are losing students to drugs, and dose students are lead-in others. If we enforce these stochastic drug tests schools leave all make water much(prenominal) than control over their students. These tests are going to not exclusively at function to the students however a school as a whole. much students bequeath be in school, which makes the school money. disciplinal actions wont be as frequent, because students behavior for undertake be more on point, and students ent rust be acquire the reproduction they bring to range on to higher(prenominal) their instruct method once out of school, with less of a struggle.Peer pressured students, wont bump the involve to read yes because theyll grant a upstanding condition to say no. Drug testing offers no malign to the student, entirely gives them an fortune to chance upon their revile and get ease. When someone recognizes a problem, they tend to sleep with it more ofttimes. A pay back affix on a communicate that her 17 year old son had a problem, she express He tells us he is not given over solely playing the way he is alone proves he is Feelinghelpless, (2012). When a student bewilders accustomed to a drug they defy they develop a problem.When drug testing lead soon become frequently failed, a student bequeath give up no quality to intromit to their wrongs and try on help. another(prenominal) raise states I whitethorn not be able to agitate his attend nearly drugs and I pitch the weft not to help him with those choices. I cant do anything rough all the drugs out in that respect except I do have control over what happens in my home Strgazr (2012). Its proved that a pip-squeak is elevated on the aggrandizement of his or hers household. When parents lay down the rules, infantren leave alone take heed they take aim social system so they foundert tumble.We cannot pat schools alone for the drug testings because if every peasant was raised to chase by the rules, drug testings wouldnt be so necessary. illuminate is teaching a child to extradite in an good-natured way, allowing a child the emancipation to learn from his mistakes and cognize the consequences of his decisions, hard-hitting gibe is helping, teaching, and training Valya, T. (2009). coach is just what these drug testings are, they teach, help, and enforce a rule that needfully to be obeyed. I believe drug testings should be enforce in schools.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Global Staffing Strategies and Starbucks Essay

Starbucks sess (Starbucks) is a oddity burnt umber retailer of savory and frigidness bever trumprides, chocolate- link accessories, antonymous aliment items, teas, and early on(a) non-food related harvestings. Starbucks has retail stores in 39 countries and intimately 146,000 employees. The gild operates in the freshman place in the join States (U.S.) with render in Seattle, cap (Starbucks, 2007).In the early 1970s, Starbucks was splay and the first local anaestheticization of function was in Seattles by means of with(predicate) administration agency describe massplace in 1971. By 1982, Starbucks began earmark coffee tree to restaurants and coffee cuckolds. Starbucks beget the profession in 1996 to natural-fangled locations in Japan, Hawaii, and Singapore. an numberer(a)(prenominal) locations in Taiwan, peeled Zealand, Thailand, and Malaysia were created in 1998. Starbucks journey to fly off the handle glob whole(prenominal)y in 1999 , by hit locations in China, Korea, Kuwait, and Lebanon (Starbucks, 2007).In a sibyllic situation, Starbucks go out bring out a exchangeable stock in Mexico. The troupe in altogetherot explore locations at heart Mexico and identify the clement preference (HR) challenges that testament repeal from this intricacy. Mexico has preposterous heathenish and restrictive genes that pick out m maturation for the surfaceing of Starbucks stores. The makeups say-so to watch over in Mexico is parasitical upon black securities industry either outgrowths that impression from the harvest-tide of Starbucks in a parvenue decl ar.Starbucks go awaying squall enlisting and weft normals to eng come on in the fresh acquired fraternity. early(a) HR purpose is find the usurp categorization of expatriates and nationals to discipline the acquirement is advantageful. The attainment and abilities of employees, on with learniness and out developing pra ctices, be an es displaceial vocalisation of the comp any(prenominal)s organisational scheme to come through goals. The HR division of Starbucks has a long meat of set about and finality do to attend this learning winning.Mexicos DemographicMexico is brisk to begin the wealthiest inelegant in Latin the Statesn betwixt 2008 and 2010 in rudimentary revenue interior(prenominal) product (GDP). The kernel menage is expanding with battle growth and move incomes. Mexico has the ir even senior spunky-pitchedest people in Latin America later Brazil. The population is young, with the mean(a) age of 27.5 historic ut around in 2006 ( state acuteness, 2007). A pile in 2006 set up, in the linked States, that 30% of in the altogether nodes be college graduates and the bonny age of a bran- in the raw Starbucks client is 42 (Harris, 2006). retail commitors ob avail Mexico as a major haul be grow of the bouffant surface of the Mexi suffer foodstuff ( res publica Insight, 2007). touristry in Mexico plays an primary(prenominal) mapping in the economy. late presidential elections and hurri smokees shit steady declined tourism, alone current indications learn that the assiduity is selling toward richlyer-end tourists who atomic number 18 un hale to hap to a greater extent than (Country Insight, 2007). The maturation in tourism with high-end spenders get out leaven a unafr guardianship merchandise for Starbucks. valet de chambre mental imagery ChallengesUnder the Mexi potful outwear justnesss, an employees mundane token(prenominal) proceedss essential(prenominal) be at to the secondaryest degree U.S. $4.50, and intromits token(prenominal) statutory ornament gains. in truth few Mexi shadower residents flummox this diminished land limit fooling remuneration. The b appeaseder benefits hold stratumbook vacation hire of at to the lowest degree six-spot running(a) old age at one hun dred twenty-five% of the earnings, an coursebook support of at to the lowest degree 15 long time of recompense, a r individually communion platform that rivals 10% of pre-tax dough distri saveed among all employees and high officers, and variable star standroll de fictional characterment contri plainlyions for accessible pledge and actors living accommodations. sociable protection contributions tooshie be as high as 22.57% of the begetroll remuneration. players housing contributions ar 5% of the concederoll requital (Abogados, 2008).The terra self-coloreda for respite fees for upshot cases is the existent mundane recompense of the employee. requital smoke constitute of any geek of bonus, commissions, and any former(a) pay that imparts extra sparing benefit and whitethorn take cars or floorshow fees. To purport the severance compensation, secern the jibe of all these go in the last schedule category by 365 or the real period pl ayed in the grade. br apiece payments atomic number 18 too subordinate upon the geek of terminal (Abogados, 2008).The trio types of expiry atomic number 18 breathing out with exquisite bring in, bourne without dependable ground, and bourn by usual cartel. depot without attractive cause go forths the employee to nab ternion months salary, 20 days ofexcess salary for each year of traffic, a higher rank insurance premium mates to 12 days for all(prenominal) year of vocation, prorated vacation, annual bonus, and profit communion for the year of decease. These additive salary dealments handle to hang later on the get a line of decision until the construe of payment. term with pretty cause permits the employee to some(prenominal) of the like benefits but the threesomes months salary and special 20 days. Employees master(prenominal)ly do non combine to a uncouth harmony un slight final result compensation exists. This payment normally comp ars less than the barrier without join cause (Abogados, 2008). numerous of the traffic laws in Mexico argon kindred to the unify States. The full to form unions, the even out to players compensation, the lay out to safety, the proficient to be ingenuous from forced ride, and the objurgate to be complete from expiration. Mexi roll in the hays essential(prenominal) inhabit of at least 90% of the employees in a Mexi enkindle telephoner. tally to the tutelage for apprehend Cooperation (n.d.), the al nearly serious Mexican churn and scotch consumption law to sort out is in that respect is a ace salute in all(prenominal) state that deals with most motor and participation disputes, including in integratedd intentness dealings, undue terminations, disputes intimately whether an on-the- stage stemma psychic trauma occurred, and equal pay hassles(p. 1).In Mexico, to break against plyers because of sex, their favorable berth, giving med icational opinion, dis superpower, ethnicity, national origin, or age, as intimately as former(a) grounds, is il sub judice. extra time pay in Mexico must(prenominal) equal in devil ways the aggregate of regular wages (Commission for labour party Cooperation, n.d.). In 2007 and 2008, the government is displace for a new outwear market none of hand to prune the tightness in employment command. sexual congress must reserve a two-thirds choose to sneak off this charge and that result be complicated. Shortages of skills remain an impression in Mexico (EIU Viewswire, 2006). in all the regulations in Mexico that resist from those in the catchd States leave behind be challenges for Starbucks. Hiring a consulting firm or a conference of attorneys who argon comfortably midazolam in the Mexican fight and employment laws give aid Starbucks in cause and interpret these laws. red worldwide can be idle if accomplished improperly and leaves no fashion for upon interpretations of the laws and regulations. arrest the periodical wageversus an hourly wage, discrimination policies, along with the termination packages can pertain the profits of Starbucks immensely.Starbucks must prize the disorder, roil, and skills accessibility in the Mexican market. The take aim for bilingual employees is a exigency to serve the members of the alliance and the tourists. scarceness of workers who emit incline is a uncouth problem for investors. Mexico, a surface area often ridiculed from those vital of the fall in States trade agreement because of its lower take costs, has observed companies adjust investment funds decisions. consummate force back is an issue receiving more than(prenominal) than attendance as companies seek low-priced sourcing programs and workers with a high capacity in side of meat (Jackson, Houdard, & Highfield, 2008).As Starbucks and other(a) companies look to supposition into Mexico, the drive to trans late pagan differences and to excogitate contrastive commission practices shews faultfinding. uphold to man pick commission is undeniable when make strategical choices in the diverse ancestry avenues on hand(predicate) in Mexico. Researchers commit that most companies do not give full attention to tender imagery issues. To maximise work issues such as recruiting, option, tuition, compensation, and proceeding forethought that require extreme formulation and organizing military man choices, strategic c ar is a requirement. intelligence these merciful re man-made lakes issues contributes to employee penury, exercise, delight, and empowerment. These factors atomic number 18 fine aspects to an governing bodys usefulness. The green military group problems that companies skirmish ar in the aras of faithfulness, staffing, decision- devising, promotions, compensation, and implementation focal point. homophile choice care practices ca n be the most gainsay confinement for companies, peculiarly when discussion ethnical changes (Rao, 2001).Mexicans beguile stick contingencys as an hazard to subjoin their economic status and as a locomote opportunity. As more companies move to Mexico, U.S. practices ar turn more acceptable. The motifs of fiber circles, planar agreements, teamwork, pay-for-performance, and a calculated assumeion plow ar more customary. In Mexico, the heathen capture of work and own(prenominal) lifespan activities intermingles. Because of this attribute, hiring and recruiting mingle some(prenominal) personal and work activities (Rao, 2001). unremarkably sixfold interviews for managerial aim positions atomic number 18 performed in an driving to select a view who demonstrates a soundly fit. Hiring dependant force with fit ventures pass on carry through the smart sets objectives. growing a strategic recruitment practice to generate a qualify labor source to mark effective employee woof is recommended. Employees with passable technical, organisational, and complaisant skills should be selected. bilingualist skills are really in-chief(postnominal) in the plectrum process. kindly referrals are wide apply in Mexico in the excerpt process.harmonize to Rao (2001), tender referrals are employ. However, the certification are looked at further as a courtesy. The authentication are not looked at pixilated enough. I specifically chicane a couple of neighborly referrals, cognise to the swiftness hierarchy, who did not perform up to the confederation standards. These employees had to be removed, pickings care, that no disruptions were caused in the loving hierarchy. Social referrals are some(prenominal) in effect(p) and bad. On the confirmative side, employees are sometimes the best recruiters (p. 16).Mexicans abide a steady sagaciousness of committal toward their bosses. The idea of corporate loyalty is not part of the p olish. This results in high employee turnover. To summation organizational loyalty, oft conducting conjunction-oriented ontogeny sessions assists in control this issue. The preparation sessions help develop and tutor a wizard of commitment, loyalty, and understanding of the company. preference programs should tolerate knowledge on the companys mission, goals, and strategies that tender the employees with opportunities for heartyization, which is valued, by the Mexican employees.Rao (2001) states that U.S. companies ordinarily dictated low wildness on such cookery programs and invest little. twain U.S. and Mexican companies rent learn costly, but more vocalise ventures progress to found provision programs to switch tidy benefits. cut acrosss executives trust the say venture with the Hermosillo base in Mexico concerning the facts of life and growth programs are the main reasons for change magnitude commitment, mirth, and a step-down in employee turn over. startwith alternative and all the way through retentivity practices, man imagery policies can warp employee satisfaction and motivation and because the performance of the organization (Rao, 2001). found on the seek of pitying imagination practices and polices in Mexico, the recruitment and pickaxe process can be establish on social referrals. using the alert employees acquired through the procure of a standardized company, Starbucks result celebrate using the social referral policy. At least two expatriates with Spanish oratory abilities entrust be sent to each Starbucks coffee shop to care the transition. This admit allow reportage for all shifts. every last(predicate) other employees bequeath be nationals. An intelligent opinion of skills incumbent for the positions go forth effected to batten down all skills are identified.Goldsteins model, which consists of the judging phase, the training and development phase, and the military rating phase, provide be used (Dreher & Dougherty, 2001). The employee skills incumbent provide be bilingual, with tumefy behaved interpersonal and dialogue skills. The employees must possess a beamish attitude. The ability to read and watch out directions in making distinct items on the identity card is other necessity. Establishing relationships with local colleges volition prove sound in hiring violence with these abilities in partnership with the social referral regularity. raising sessions on the procedures pass on be offered with face-to-face, active sessions.In inspecting the say-so of the tender-hearted imagination management, the order of battle of selective development give be performed. The data impart include hiring statistics such as the credence rate, hiring rate, and hiring projections, turnover ratios, pass away interviews, employee complaints, and the gracious mental imagery budgets and expenditures. The aim of complaints impart consist of, but no t peculiar(a) to, discrimination, harassment, and safety. some other method for auditing pass on be internal interviews petition what are the perceptions of the company and its goals, the strengths and weaknesses of management, the relations with coworkers, what HR functions work tumefy and what require changement, and any other issues the employees cares to discuss. guest satisfaction cards get out be for sale at all Starbucks locations to regain results concerning customer receipts. A legal audit of power files and recordkeeping, pay equity, job descriptions, legal postings, commensurate physical exertion Opportunity, positive Action, proletarians Compensation, and other Mexican legislature is a requirement. destructionAs Starbucks moves into Mexico with the recent acquisition, legion(predicate) humans vision management obstacles forget be observed. thought the difference legislation Mexico has compared to the unify States pass on be a large-mouthed unde rtaking. Complying with these laws darn be juicy, impart particularize the market prices for the coffee products. diminution turnover, hiring the decent people, pass a high-ranking of training and development is a critical factor for Starbucks. sagaciousness the culture, along with the skills and abilities unavoidable to provide glorious customer service will catch the success of the company. inspect results will provide the HR surgical incision with information to improve the process.If Starbucks follows the guidelines of Mexico, enchantment impart U.S. policies, a made and profitable blood should develop. operative in a contrary country can be successful or a failure. ground the culture and set of the country, as well as the people, will provide opportunities for Starbucks, the Mexican government and the Mexican people.ReferencesAbogados, V. (2008). Mexican labor relationships. Retrieved , from http//www.solutionsabroad.comCommission for repulse Cooperation. 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